Suggestion Trouble with browser (chrome)

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I'm a Fish!
I'm having trouble with the board using my browser (google chrome). Anyone else have this? Basically some of the functions refuse to load.
ok nevermind. i downloaded IE and i'm abandoning chrome. everything works fine with internet explorer.
I have noticed at times that chrome doesn't work well with some internet applications. But since most internet applications are built for the major market share holder IE then chrome has to update and configure itself to get things to work, chrome is relatively new there was a new update a week or two that came out that fixed some of the differences.

I would still rather use chrome then IE.
I tried chrome for awhile because Firefox has turned into such a memory sucking pig. This is one site where I haven't had issues with chrome. Would probably be good if OP mentioned which functions didn't work, and what version of chrome it was.

(Here's hoping FF 3.0.11 sucks and crashes less...)
I am using Chrome, and am unable to log in to scubaboard at all. The login appears to be successful, but when the browser reloads (or I click the link) I am still not logged in...
I use Chrome ( as well. No problems with ScubaBoard at all but I do have some issues with other sites.
When I started trying Chrome I had to twiddle with the settings a bit to make it run smoothly. I still have much better luck with the latest version of Opera. I especially like Opera's Speed Dial and the 'View - Fit To Width' function, which is especially useful when someone *ahem* posts massive JPEGs.

My 2 psi


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