Trip Report of Huracan Diving Long Caye Belize

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Great report Rick, thanks for sharing . . . tho' I'm compelled to ask for clarification on one point. Please and thank you.

You said that you spent a 20 minute taxi ride in Belize City but then went on to say it isn't what everyone else that has spent any more time there, has to say about it?
My guess is that the cab driver hung a left at the stadium on the way to the Princess Marina.

If that's the case, then he bypassed the guts of the city and it actually looks pretty nice, relatively speaking. Bars on the windows and razor wire are always dead giveaways, and BC has those in spades. Having said that, I still think BC offers a fair amount to see but with some definite precautions.

Thanks for the report, Rick, especially the top-side photos.
Don't get me wrong. BC is no paradise. I would not want to spend a vacation there. But is any major city in Central America or the Caribbean a place to take a vacation? You read the reviews about BC and you think you are about to be robbed and killed from stepping foot anywhere near the city.....

I have spent time In Manila, Manado, Bangkok, Kingston, Managua, Mexico City,and other big cities in the US. Is BC any worse than the bad sections of our own Washington DC, New York City, Chicago and LA?
BC is not that bad to get the Hell hole of the world award.

The owner of Huracan Ruth has a 8 month old child and shops with the child in a stroller in BC 2x per week.........she feels safe enough to take her child in the city on a regular basis.
Just an FYI, we are tentatively booked again this year. Ruth has sold the place and the new owner has quoted a price that represents an increase of more than 25%. At this new price, it's still a pretty good deal, with great diving, but there are definitely more luxurious offerings nearby for only slightly more money. I've sent a note back expressing my disappointment (We have 3 and possibly all 4 rooms booked, based on the rate quoted by Ruth) so it will be interesting to see how he responds.

I'll post my findings on my own report, rather than hijacking this one!

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