Trip Report Coz. 09.28.09 -10.03.09

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Reaction score
Noblesville, IN
# of dives
0 - 24
Greetings all. Here is my attempt at a trip report I did with a friend during the above dates.
We used Fun Jet to book our trip and dove with Aldora Dive shop. Flying American Airlines from Indianapolis to Texas and then onto Cozumel. American Airlines was a blessing as they do not charge for baggage, the first two, on international flights. The flights were ontime, not too full and had manageable layovers. We stayed at the Occidental Grand on the south end of the island. I'll try to segment my opinions from here on out.
Arrival: Stepping out into the warm, sunny climate and walking onto the airport grounds we were excited to begin our adventure! Customs was a breeze. I have heard that we were lucky as it is possible to have up to three planes arriving at once. This makes for long lines and waits. We walked right through that day. Leaving the airport, we were bombbarded with timesshare people and eager taxi drivers. My suggestion is to smile, walk fast and find your transportation quickly. It was cool to see an outside Margarittaville bar outside!. Our hotel transfers were switched for a taxi so we could get right to the dive shop and into the water! From landing to under the water... it took approx 1.5 hrs. I'll get back to the dives later.

Hotel: We opted for the all inclusive based to reviews online. The Occidental Grand sits near the southern end of the island and the grounds are exceptional. Check in was casual and everything was taken care by a friendly staff. Ample palm trees line the walks of the grounds with fountains as centerpieces towards the front of the property. These fountains were only working on the last two days of our trip. The ground floor room was clean. There are several iguanas on the ground. Two pools with activities, ping pong, a huge chess set and daily drinks. The beds were rock hard. I ended up sleeping on extra pillows from day 2 'till the end. Housekeeping was professional and did a great job everyday. The hotel puts out a newsletter everday with events and specials. The food was lacking for a 4 star hotel. We dove until late mid day and found the quality of lunch to be lacking. I've never had ice cream soup. We had to ask for fresh ice cream twice as they brought out soup both times. Dinner, with the exception on one speciality night, was only so so. Service during one of the reservations required nights was poor. We did have one steak night that was equal to a 4 star hotel. The night life at the hotel was interesting. I really enjoyed the fire dancers show. 3 guys did some cool things with fire sticks for around an hour. Other nights included a jewelery show, and Salsa dancing. The beach area had plenty of sitting areas that were covered and it was a peaceful feel. Like I said, the grounds were in great shape and the staff were friendly. that's about it.

Transportation: A taxi cost us $15 U.S. to get into the city. The service is
prompt and clean.

Aldora Dive Shop: I have nothing but great things to say about this operation. The service and attention to detail and safety were complete and friendly. I felt well informed and enthused about every dive. Now, this is my first time to Coz, and it is my first time using Aldora. If you do a search on the site for Aldora, you will find great reviews. From the 120 steel tanks that allow for LONG bottom times, to the fast, covered boats, to the water on the boat, to the experience of the staff, I felt justified in paying alittle extra for what I got. Our shortest dive was 51 minutes and most were 75 to 90 minutes. Drift diving is amazing! It was nice not to have to deal with gear all week long. Aldora cleaned and stored our gear every day and had it all set up for us the next morning. At first I was not sure about doing a night dive. Wow!! that dive was amazing. My first night dive, I know, but the wildlife, petting the octopuss, playing with a puffer, huge stone crabs, squid.... on and on...I highly recommend a night dive. I think we ded 10 dives total. Punta Sur Devil's Throat, Santa Rosa Wall -down to 137', Palancar Gardens and Caves and a few others. Memo and his staff have 90 percent of this dive op thing down to a tee. Fresh fruit on the boat would be nice, even though we had our surface interval at a nice ocean side joint. DM Shariff, a.k.a. the egyptian, at one point thanked us for a great dive!! DM's Edgar and David were fantastic as well. It will be hard to dive with anyone else after the kind of service we received from Aldora.

We saw several turtles, a splendid Toad fish, sea cucumber, I met up with some black coral:( , a huge green eel, a squirrel fish, a small ray and much more.

I know I left out plenty of details... we saw so much.. I was able to use my Sealife DC 1000 for the first time. I got some nice video and a few good pics. I really need a strobe. I can not forget to mention that I had the pleasure of meeting a few members of this board while on the trip. I am blessed to have had the chance to meet these folks. Thank you all for the conversation and good times.

Airfare and Hotel = approx $750.
Diving = $500.00 plus $20 a day tip to the boat, DM and crew
Another $300.00 for gifts and such
This was only my second time travelling abroad. I am looking at Roatan next!!
All of this is against marine park rules, you know.... Permitted, or worse yet encouraged, this. Dave, care to comment on your DMs and general policy re handling wild life?

My first night dive, I know, but the wildlife, petting the octopuss, playing with a puffer, huge stone crabs, squid.... on and on...
What were the water temps and viz? I'll be there Thursday.
Rand, water temps ranged from 83 to 89 degrees. we were diving around 9 am until ?? Vis was approx 75 to 100 ft depending on depth.

MMM, check for a message to clarify your concerns-- thanks for pointing that out. I believe the DM's have nothing to comment on.
I think we ded 10 dives total. Punta Sur Devil's Throat, Santa Rosa Wall -down to 137', Palancar Gardens and Caves and a few others.

Your dive profile says you have 0 - 24 dives, and you stated you dove to 137'. I didn't think it was common for relatively new divers to go this deep. Petting and "playing" with the wildlife? I'm far from being a PETA fanatic, but whatever happened to "touch nothing and leave only bubbles"? If this trip report is true, I know a dive shop that will never earn my business. Thanks for posting.
Your dive profile says you have 0 - 24 dives, and you stated you dove to 137'. I didn't think it was common for relatively new divers to go this deep. Petting and "playing" with the wildlife? I'm far from being a PETA fanatic, but whatever happened to "touch nothing and leave only bubbles"? If this trip report is true, I know a dive shop that will never earn my business. Thanks for posting.
I have yet to dive anywhere that enforced a depth restriction based on a divers cert level or number of dives. I also know a few people who've been diving for 25+ yrs, all over the world at about 30-50 dives a year and have never bothered with more then an Open Water certification. There's also divers with a wallet full of cards who choose to not break 100ft.

MOST dive ops in Cozumel are more interested in seeing how you are in the water then what certs you have and how many dives. If you demonstrate that you are comfortable and competent, then the "advanced" dives will be available to you. If you are a disaster or need a lot of attention, regardless of what cards you have or how long you've been diving, you won't see the deeper or more difficult sites.

Depth doesn't always mean it's a more difficult or more impressive dive. With the majority of sites in Cozumel and elsewhere, there's no reason other then bragging rights to go really deep.

The touching thing, my personal feeling is that the ocean isn't your petting zoo, and if you choose to dive in a marine park, you are agreeing to follow "the rules" of that park. In Cozumel like most other marine parks, one of the rules is you don't touch the reef or the marine life.'s not like the octopus or puffer will jump into your hands or put you in a situation where you need to defend yourself. ;)
I have yet to dive anywhere that enforced a depth restriction based on a divers cert level or number of dives. I also know a few people who've been diving for 25+ yrs, all over the world at about 30-50 dives a year and have never bothered with more then an Open Water certification. There's also divers with a wallet full of cards who choose to not break 100ft.

MOST dive ops in Cozumel are more interested in seeing how you are in the water then what certs you have and how many dives. If you demonstrate that you are comfortable and competent, then the "advanced" dives will be available to you. If you are a disaster or need a lot of attention, regardless of what cards you have or how long you've been diving, you won't see the deeper or more difficult sites.

I fully and wholeheartedly agree about importance of experience over certs. Cert counts, or even types of certs (divemaster, instructor, instructor instructor, etc), carry little to no weight in my eyes. At the end of the day you either dive safely and within the abilities of yourself and your dive buddy (and your group, if you are a DM), or you do not. It sounds like the OP had a great time and felt within their limits, and I always get a kick out of reading positive trip reports. It just surprised me a bit to hear about descending to non-trivial depths while still being a little green.
Thanks for the report. I stayed at Occidental Grand and was turned off of all-inclusive because of the quality of the food there. Now I look for places closer to downtown. Glad to hear the diving made up for it.

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