Tri-Mix Computers

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Hi all i see a thread on the VR3 so i have a question on this & the Abbyss .
To all owners of these, why did you buy it.
Or if you are about to buy one please add you comments as well.
Was it the deco profiles it uses.
The down loaded info, eg your dive profile/stats ect.
Size, Screen data info, Backup service, Build quality,?
Can't think of any other questions but i'm sure you'll type away:)

I would be using OS equipment. (for now anyway ;-0 )
I purchased a trimix computer so that on exploratory dives I'm not totally stuck on tables. I will plan a bail out based on tables, on what I think the maximum depth I'll reach and time, I'll dive the computer so I can maximize my BT but If I decide to abort the dive earlier I'm not hanging around longer than necessary. I dive 2 trimix computers so that the tables are my 3rd level of backup.. I have both the new VR3 and the Abyss and prefer the Abyss by far.. My 2 main complaints with the VR3 is the pain in the ass programming the unit and the ****ty display, the graphics are nice but the display should be at least twice its current size..
Hi you say you dive with both, when deco comes in do you use the Abbyss or VR3 deoc profile, knowning they have different algorithms do you bend one or just use the longer timed unit & is the deco times different by much, more interested in deeper than shallower dives.
I wait for both units to clear.. The deco profiles vary greatly based on conservative factors... If I'm doing lots of multi day deep deco dives I set the explorer to a CF of 9 which adds lots of hang time and is the last to clear, normally I run it at a CF of 5 which generates reasonable hang times... I usually run the VR3 at minimum safety factory So I can keep a benchmark as to the earliest I can get out of the water if things go really wrong..
Some guys i've met/know did a dive together one with the Vr3 & the othe on tables ??zPlanner?? i think.
Depth was about 83m using YBoD (INSPERATIONS)
Bottom time not sure.
The Vr3 diver did approx 30mins more deco time than the table diver.
This time diff would see the vr3 diver use much more gas if both are on OS.
I have read that the deco diff between the abyss & Vr3 is of the same, about 30/40min i guess when doing deeper deco dives.
have you yourself had this much of a diff between them both ?

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