Traveling to Panama city, FL from Tennessee

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50 - 99
Hi there..
We are a group of 6 from the Nashville-Cookeville area planning a weekend dive in Panama City. We are leaving the morning of August 1st and returning Sunday, whenever, LOL.
I have found a small place to stay that has accomodations and very personal service. They have 2 6 pack boats and will personalize our weekend for us!
The price is very reasonable and it will be a fun trip! We will shore dive Friday, do 4 dives Sat. and plans are open for sunday at this point.
If you would like to join us on a road trip let me know and I will share specifics with you!
OK Mod's...didn't realize I put this in the "women's views" LOL.
Is there a more appropiate, generic place you could move this to for me?? PLEASE??
thanks so much!

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