traveling solo, any thoughts?

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New York City
Does anyone have suggestions for solo scuba travel with the atmosphere to feel part of a dive community?I am also looking for tips to benefit on last minute travel rates? Thanks:help:
Hey there,

Back in July I took a solo trip with Peter Hughes out of Provo. It was a GREAT trip. I booked it last minute and got a great rate on my own stateroom. They needed to fill the boat and I wanted my own room. I got it at a greatly reduced rate. The trip was wonderful. On a liveaboard you meet so many dive enthusiasts! It was a great education. Any time I had an underwater videography question or any question at all someone was there with a valuable answer. The food was excellent also! Check it out. It sounds like this sort of thing is what you are looking for.

Up to now I've made five dive trips, all of them on a solo basis.

I'm a single female.

All of them were shore-based, as I tend to suffer from sea-sickness I haven't gathered up the courage to embark on a live-aboard yet, though I'm working on it.

The only inconvenience is that you need to pay for a single-room.

I always find it fun to meet a new group from around the world and generally, if we dive for a few days together we end up with a few new e-mail addresses and friendships.
Thanks for writing back
Those single sur charges are expensive
I too have met many great divers on trips
I do not have a problem with the sea
I am interested in live aboards which I have not yet done
Happy Diving
Single room surcharge at Fantasy Island in Roatan is only $65, plus 13% tax.
1 - Join a dive club and go on their organized trips. You can't get any closer to a feeling of community.

2 - Sign up for a group trip at your LDS. They will pair you up with a room mate.

3 - Consider one of the trips run by Natasha. SHe organizes group trips and post them on this board. I've heard that they are great fun.

4 - Sign up for a liveaboard. I've had nothing but great experiences on liveaboard trips.

5 - Book an Internet fare, find a cheap hotel, show up on the boat, and offer yourself out as a buddy. The DIR crew on this board will tell you that you're crazy for diving with someone you don't know intimately, but heck, it's better than no diving at all. Just be sure you know what you're doing so you're not a liability to your buddy and you know what to do if they turn out to be a liability to you.

I've done 99.9% of my dive travel as a single person and I'm loving it.
Start getting to know people from this board and others. Sandy lives in your area, she's a good diver and a sweet person. Also get to know people in areas where you may travel. One of the things I love about this board and others, is meeting new dive buddies.
Want to check out a dive club? I belong to the New York Sea Gypsies. We meet once a month at a restaurant on the east side. There are club dives in the summer. It's a great way to meet other New York divers and learn about dive oportunities both local and abroad. Our next meeting is the second Wednesday of March. PM me if you're interested in getting the details.
I appreciate your suggestions
I have checked out the dive boats and local dive shops.
needless to say they have trip planned although I want to go in July and have found no trips going. I am considering Cozumel, any comments or suggestions where to stay and who to dive with? Thanks again
eyescuba once bubbled...
...I want to go in July and have found no trips going. I am considering Cozumel, any comments or suggestions where to stay and who to dive with?
Scuba Club Cozumel is an all inclusive -- diving included. Very high percentage of divers. I've gone there 4 times is the last two years (whenever I go to Coz w/o my wife) and have always enjoyed it. With just about everyone being a diver, it is easy to find buddies for shore dives, and it's generally a very "solo friendly" atmosphere.

The staff has a great attitude and low turnover. The rooms are rather basic, but clean and adequate. The breakfast and lunches tend towards simple homecooked style, served buffet style. The dinner is a classier sit down style.

They have multiple boats and have generally done a good job of sorting out divers into groups of similar interests and abilities.

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