Traveling alone?

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Does anyone have any experience for traveling and/or diving alone? Im planning a trip, and was curious as to what the dive ops do when you are by yourself. Does a DM buddy with you or do they pair you with another diver? What happens if you dont feel comfortable with who they pair you with?

Don't dive with anyone that makes you uncomfortable.

I do 4 or 5 solo trips a year and have very few problems, but this is a long post because it is a subject near and dear to my heart.

On boats where a group of 6 or so goes with DM they will usually find you a buddy. My recommendation, though, is to scope out the group early, identify the other solo divers and pick out the person you want to buddy with ahead of time.

Use the boat ride to get a feel for your new buddy --- experience, what sort of buddy distance they are comfortable with, etc. Be open and honest with your new buddy as to your experience level, and any concerns or particular worries you have. Go with your gut ---- if while chatting with him you get the feeling he is a flake, then pair with somebody else or the DM.

The more someone brags about how wonderful a diver he is, the more likely he is to be a flakey buddy.

Choosing a buddy, and truly agreeing on a dive plan, is more critical in places where DMs don't go in the water. Don't make assumptions --- go through all of the relevant dive plan details such as pressures for turnpoints/ascent, who leads, overall pace of the dive, what the general navigation route will be, intended depths, what sort of ascent and stops you plan, etc. Hopefully you can also compare air consumption rates, but a lot of divers don't really know their SAC. I do a spg comparison when I hit 1800-2000psi during the dive -- this calibrates me on what my buddy's air consumption rate is vs. mine, and from then on I'll have a pretty good idea how much air he has.
As with all buddies, look each over for location and operation of things such as octo, weight release, BC controls. I tell my buddy about things in my pockets such as shears, slate, and signal tube.

The most challenging problem for a solo traveller is when they get on a boat where all others are already existing buddy pairs. You will end up going with one of those pairs. In the worst case, you will essentially be a solo diver tagging along behind a buddy pair that is oblivious to your presence.

If you are a relatively new diver, one last bit of advice: if the boat pairs you with a diver who moans and complains about being buddied with a newbie, change buddies fast.

Thanks for the reply. The things you listed are my main concerns on going on a dive trip solo. In fact, thats my only apprehension about going at all. Ive traveled to Europe a few times solo and other places as well, but never dove any of them. I really wish someone I knew was going, but thats not going to happen. Oh well, I guess I better decide soon, my only window of opportunity is closing fast (gf is due to have a baby next month and I need to do my trip this month) Thanks again...
Congratulations on the baby coming!

I always leave alone on dive trips.

Up to now I always chose a diving operation and stuck to them.

Usually after the first couple of days I know whom I want to dive with and the same will be for him/her.

The only exception was my dive trip to the Maldives in January.

The operation had the nasty attitude of changing buddy pairs every dive, this resulted in near disaster.

I know we could have agreed and said "we dive together", but it never really occurred to us.

I have also dived a few times with the Dive Master, it's usually a very positive experience as he/she will try to find out interesting things.
Thanks for the tip. I am hoping to find a steady buddy when Im there, but if not my second choice is a DM on the boat. I am booking my trip today, and offered a friend a free trip if he covers his own airfare (which is $650) so hopefully hell take me up on the offer. If not, ill go back to plan a. Thanks for mentioning the buddy thing. If the DM tries to change buddies every time Ill definately speak up about it. Oh, thanks for the baby congrats..
I am in the same boat ! I also agree with charlie99. I like to enter the water with the group and then do my own thing.If asked do I have a buddy I say Fred and point to my camera. If a dm says well you can buddy up with me I'll say fine but I am taking photos so I may not be able to keep up or you can follow me.I try to be polite as possible but if I need 5 min to take a certian photo I want to be able to take it. Thats one reason I like Coco View I can do my own thing. If I do a night dive alone I just tell the bartender if you don't see me at the bar in about a hour or so I am probably bait. This comment is not made to start a solo diver fight. My life my choice my decission, I accept the out come.. Plus not having anyone to travel with should not stop you from going,most of the time you can hook up with some one I look for some else with a camera that is solo. If they make a buddy mandatory go with the flow. You can always look at another operator who is more flexable. And the one thing I hate the most is when a DM grabs my pressure gage or computer to check my air.
domino22 once bubbled...
I like to enter the water with the group and then do my own thing.If asked do I have a buddy I say Fred and point to my camera. If a dm says well you can buddy up with me I'll say fine but I am taking photos so I may not be able to keep up or you can follow me.I try to be polite as possible but if I need 5 min to take a certian photo I want to be able to take it. This comment is not made to start a solo diver fight. My life my choice my decission, I accept the out come..

I like your style:) , when diving I too usually end up solo. My wife is my dive buddy, but she almost always runs out of air before me so I buddy up with ( and stick not too far from the boat and dive solo. If I run out of film I find subjects and direct other photogs or buddie teams to take a look.

Dive Safe,
Caymaniac :boom:
Thanks I was expecting alot of "OOO your going to die stuff" I dove the oil fields in the gulf of mexico for two years in my younger days and unless I was doing a bell bounce I was alone. Ya I had a tender, gas man and supervisor and if I got in trouble they would have to jump another diver. But we were a dive team plus my body would almost always be retrieved I was always on a umbilical to the topside, with communication to the rig,boat or barge.

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