Travel between Cancun and Coz

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Twin Cities, MN
Unfortunatly for me, all the charters from Minneapolis are done for the season. It looks like my options are either to:
• Fly a 'major' carrier at a major price
• Fly to some other city (Houston) and catch a charter from there
• Catch a local charter to Cancun and make the trip from there.

Looking at those three options, I think the best idea is the last one. Has anyone made this trip recently? I've done some research on it, but have not found much. It sounds like we can take a bus from Cancun to Del Carmen (~$7), and take the ferry over (~$8). Does anyone have current prices or experiences with that method? What about taking a puddle jumper over from Cancun? Anyone have prices on that flight?

We are looking at going in May, and planning on staying at Scuba Club. Anyone been there recently?

Thanks in advance,

Take the Riviera Express bus from the Cancun airport for ~$US7 o/w to Playa del Carmen. It's A/C, comfortable & quick. Alternatively, take a van, for ~$US15-18 o/w. Ferry over to Coz is ~$US8 o/w. Cab to Scuba Club Cozumel should be ~$US5 o/w. Keep a close watch on your money & gear while doing the ferry thing.

Flights over are ~$US180 r/t, and if you happen to be arriving/departing during a time of multiple arrivals/departures, clearing customs to get to the island hopper can be a long affair.

As long as you're not expecting any luxury, I think you'll be very happy with Scuba Club Cozumel.

Do have fun.

I did not like the experience I had taking a van to Playa Del Carmen (to ferry). A lot of it may have to do with the fact that we got in late and was cutting it short to the last ferry. Not to mention we did this during a horrible storm. We took one of the vans to the ferry. The guy who took our money said "10 minutes, I guarantee you" when we asked how long it would be before we left. 1 hr and 15 minutes later we finally left. They wanted to wait as long as they could to cram as many people as possible into to van to make a few extra bucks. Finally I told the guy "Amigo, es tarde!" as I pointed to my watch (I hated to be the inpatient gringo tourist, but it really was getting late). I think I would just take the bus if I were to do this again. The reason we did not take the bus in the first place is that we would of had a 45 minute wait (which in the long run would have been less than we ended up waiting!):(
Bottom line is this: it is better than not going at all. I think it may have actually been fun if we weren't so pressed for time in making that last ferry.
Last October, I took a shuttle van down and the bus back. The van made a number of stops along the way to drop folks off at different resorts...I got very nervous about missing the last ferry but we did get there in time. I found the bus very efficient, clean, and comfortable with movies playing, tho I'm not a martial arts fan...also safe...a good thing when traveling alone!

I didn't take the plane as I was diving right up until I left!

Have a great trip!
Just got back from Cancun Sat 19. While at Playa Del Carmen, I inquired about the Bus to Cancun and the cost is ~$7US; it's about 1hr ride with A/C. The bus station is 5 min walk from the ferry. Round trip to Cozumel is ~$15US, last boat out is around midnight.

Extra info: I dove with Studio Blue (
2 tank-dive at Santa Rosa Wall/Paraiso Reef:$50US
2 tank cenote dive: $90$
Excellent service. Awsome dives.

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