To Those Who Didn't Come Home

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The Kraken

He Who Glows in the Dark Waters (ADVISOR)
ScubaBoard Supporter
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Roswell/Alpharetta, GA
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
. . . or came home in a body bag.

It's a few hours early, but this is for you.


As, yet again, we hear the plaintive, haunting sound of "Taps" being played across the nation's cemeteries.

Make you rest in peace.

And especially you, Jerry Kuykendall and Pete Hannah; one of these days I'll fly with you once more.

You gave all.

The Kraken - Killer Spade 13
"B" Co., 229th Avn. Bn., 11th Avn. Grp., 1st Cavalry Division (Airmoblie)
Republic of South Viet Nam - 1969-70
Ditto. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Sometimes it is easy to forget about the men and women who have died so I can live in this free country. Thank you.
Amen Kraken, Amen

"If You Want Me To" ...

To all of you ...

I AM proud of you

I WILL remember you

Well said, folks. All service men and women, current and past, living or passed, are in my thoughts and prayers... not only this Memorial Day weekend, but always.
You will NEVER be forgotten!

CPT Shawn English
US Army Deep Sea Diver
03 Dec 2006

R.I.P. brother
Lest we not forget . . .

The Kraken
may God always be near our armed forces men & women.

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