To buy equipment on-line or not

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LOTS of threads on this very topic, and they can get very heated. try searches for topic titles with leisurepro, scubatoys, lds* (you need the wildcard for three letters to be searchable), online, internet. once you get one, look at the bottom of your screen for the 'similar threads' field & see if there are any there you'd like to read.

now, go make some popcorn & sit've uncaged a monster!

And if you post to those similar, older threads you will wreek havoc with the ScubaBoard Space-Time-Continuem, this gets some people all out of wack, choose wisely. :D

btw: I bought my BC and regs from my LDS, everything else from LeisurePro
Both ScubaToys and are great and are AUTHORIZED dealers for what they sell. You won't be sorry if you buy from them.

The only place I have heard about that is questionable (because they are NOT authorized dealers and therefore you are at the mercy of their version of a warranty) is LeisurePro.
Let us know where you live, and we might be able to point you in the direction of a good LDS.
Personally I would never buy life support off the internet. I'm not a fan of buying any dive gear off of the internet because I appreciate having a shop with knowledgable staff to guide me in my decission. A fin is a fin, and if you find the one you like for a lot less, I can't give you a good reason to buy it locally. As for regulators for example, you need to get them serviced annually, my shop charges $10 less on the annual if you bought the reg from them. Therefore if you get your reg serviced annually, you might be able to recoup the difference between the price at the LDS and the internet.

Can someone clarify the warranty issue for me. I was told that most of the time if you buy gear online the manufacturer will not provide a warranty. Is this dependent on the web site? Are any web sites authorized dealers? Sorry if I missed that in the thread.

On my own experience, I've never bought gear online but I've always had great experiences with my LDS. Also as an instructor or even when in training, I have not paid full retail so I cannot complain about treatment or price from my LDS.

Suzanne : )
Authorized dealers from Zeagle can sell online, but not all are authorized.

A good LDS is a great benefit and most good authorized online stores are usually just that, but they also service a larger market.

World Watersports, aka Divers Direct has 6 of the largest stores in the world, and a huge online store.

FL Zeagle Rep.
Can someone clarify the warranty issue for me. I was told that most of the time if you buy gear online the manufacturer will not provide a warranty. Is this dependent on the web site? Are any web sites authorized dealers? Sorry if I missed that in the thread.

Yes, some are... Some aren't. For example, we are authorized for all the lines we sell. When in doubt, you can check a manufactureres web site, they normally have a list of authorized dealers on their site.
Hi, bought my suit from Tripple L online at fits pretty good just a little long off the rack size I think custom would be better. My daughter got hers from a LDS Seaquest 7mil real cheap because the LDS wanted it out of inventory (I guess not much call for a small suit in Olympia Wa. Just a comparison thought.
You'll have to make up your mind on this one, but I wouldn't purchase anything my life depended on via the internet--like my regulator. You may not get a warranty with it, or who knows if it was discontinued and sitting around on a shelf somewhere. As far as BC's are concerned, same thing about sitting around on the shelf and then you want a good fit.

If you have a good LDS, go see them. I am fortunate enough to have an excellent dive shop 5 miles from my house. I've been able to upgrade my equipment with them, and they treat me well.

Good luck on your choices.
Don't forget that Scubatoys will match ANY advertised price. Find your best price..........then call Larry! With the exception of E-bay of course, right Larry?


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