Timor Leste (East Timor) - Updated Location Guide

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I have just completed updating my location guide to Timor Leste (East Timor) and have revised nearly all the pages and image galleries.

I am going back to Timor Leste in March to dive the island of Atauro and then again in August to dive Jaco Island and will be updating my site after those trips.

Here is the link to the overview page that explains the countries trouble past and traumatic birth as a new country, which I think is essential reading if you are thinking of going there.

Here is the link to the scuba diving overview page and just follow the links to all the other pages.

Below is one of my favorite images from my last trip to Timor Leste.

Hi Don and BackpackingScubaDiver,
We made it out to Atauro Island this past September. I would really suggest considering going with Aquatica Dive. We ran into multiple problems with Dive Timor, including boat issues as well. This seems to be an unfortunate common theme there from what we heard (but of course, parts/equipment are extremely difficult to get in there). Aquatica had a beauty of a new boat, great DMs (Jen is a machine) and an incredible skip that got us through some unbelievable hectic water - something to be aware of if you plan to hit up Atauro around a full moon. We had an incredible experience with them, and did some exploration dives.. they're the new kids on the block but are already gaining a fantastic rep. Excellent food/accoms too! If you stay on Autoro - Barry's Place is wonderful!! Aquatica dropped us off after a day of diving, and picked us up.

As for Jaco, we didn't bring our gear on the trek out there and had huge regrets!! We snorkelled and what a tease! Don - did you make it out? Would love to hear about it! All the best!!!

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