Time table to fix weird page formatting issues?

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Denver, Colorado
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100 - 199
Any idea on timetable to get all the weird page formatting fixed?

In Internet Explorer 8.0 there are still many weird page formatting issues.

I actually had to switch to Chrome to post this thread, clicking on the post new thread button gives me a page in IE 8 with no text box or anything.

When I click on the New Posts feature all the text is weirdly squeezed making the page 10 times longer then usual and each topic takes up about 1/3 of the page.

In the User CP there are also lots of weird formatting things going on still.
I have no idea when our friends at Microsoft will repair Explorer 8. I guess that's why I don't use it.

As for our finished theme, we are STILL waiting on our vendors. Complicating this, is HowardE being somewhere off the coast of the DR. There are a lot of things to be done, and we'll have to muddle through until we get the code from our vendors.
Repair IE 8?

I don't have any problems with IE8 and any other websites but this one, it also wasn't a problem until you guys updated to the new forum software.

I figured it was a known issue with you guys by now and was being worked on.

Unless your user base is very different then the rest of the internet you probably have the same browser statistics as everyone else, which puts IE browser use as about 40% of the users of scubaboard. You're really waiting for Microsoft to make changes to IE to fix the formating issues with scubaboard.com?
There haven't been that many complaints about it... really. Let's see how the new skin fixes or fails to fix things before we invest a lot of time in this. That being said, I am not a huge MS fan. Their decision to exclude the newest IE from XP users was a bad idea and IS causing us problems.
Thank you.

From doing that, it showed I had IE8 in "compatibility mode", switching it to straight IE8 takes care of the problem. Interestingly though when I switched it to IE7 it was screwed up again.

Thanks both of you guys!
There haven't been that many complaints about it... really. Let's see how the new skin fixes or fails to fix things before we invest a lot of time in this. That being said, I am not a huge MS fan. Their decision to exclude the newest IE from XP users was a bad idea and IS causing us problems.

Maybe there haven't been that many complaints about it because, as the OP here said, "clicking on the post new thread button gives me a page in IE 8 with no text box or anything." This problem is the same reason I looked here. Now that I see others are having the same problem, I feel better. I'll be back to SB in a week or so to post my question and hope you've got it fixed by then. I'm using IE7, by the way. I know there are better browsers, but I have lots of lame excuses, such as that IE is what comes loaded on the computer, I am not very technically savvy, and I'm just too lazy to look into downloading another browser and learning to use it. IE is all I've ever known, except for a brief bit of Netscape back in the dark ages. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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