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San Jose, Ca
Hi everyone, I'm new to diving and to this board (though I have been reading it for a while), and so have been soaking up as much knowledge from as many places as I can, and this site has been the best help so far. I'll probably do more reading then posting for now since it looks like most of my questions have already been asked at one point or another...

I just want to say thanks to everyone here, who've taken the time to share your opinions, experience, and knowledge so that someone just coming into the sport doesn't have to learn everything the harder, more expensive, or more dangerous way unnecesarily.

Your debates and discussions are a big help.

Amen brother!
I feel the same as you.. best place I've found and thankful people share their knowledge and opinions :)

welcome to the board Wintermute:)

This is a great board and the more your on here the more you will get the feel of the folks here.

Personally the best things about the board are the People and the information that is exchanged that helps folks in here.......not to mention you don't have to pay for the information here:D
Congrats on finding this great diving resource!

Happy dives!
Welcome to the best forum board I have had the pleasure of using.

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