They Don't Call it the Treasure Coast for Nothing!

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Actually we are diving a hooka, no tanks, no fins, just BC and weigh belts.
What are the rules in the States about treasure? Are you allowed to keep what you find? A lot of places in Asia it's very much illegal and you can get in big trouble!
It sounds great though - congratulations!
for the history of Mel Fisher, to find out about the legal aspects of our find. We are a license holder of Mel Fisher who won the rights to treasure hunt these waters by fighting the State of Florida all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The state still takes 20% at the end of the year, but as the finders we will also get a cut. Fisher's also get a cut so our part is about 20% when its all over. Anyway, it's a thrill to hold some interesting stuff that has been lost since 1715 and might not ever be seen again if it weren't for our efforts. :eyebrow:
So, this is Atocha treasure then?
That is so damn cool, well done. Would love to see pics if avaialable. Congrats to u all.
This is treasure from the 1715 treasure fleet. Do a web search on 1715 fleet and you'll get a lot of info. Basically 12 ships loaded with treasure left Havana, Cuba for Spain. 3 or 4 days out a hurricane destroyed all but one (A French ship) along the Florida coast from Jupiter Inlet to Sebastian. The Spanish salvage the wreaks for a couple of years and then it was forgotton until about 1961 when it was rediscovered. There are several books on the subject. Millions of dollars of stuff has been recovered previously, but we are still finding the bones, so to speak. :wink:
DARN IT! I just want to find one miniscule piece of treasure! Just a itsy bitsy little sliver! So far my wife has found all the gifts from the sea, however it was only things that I had just dropped on that dive!! I meet people here all the time that claim to have found little bits of coin and even chain.. I just want one that I found.. or I could just buy a piece and lie like a congressman.

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