Thetis Cleanup

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North Vancouver, BC
Are any other dives shops participating? If so, can you post their contact info.

Regarding the message below, I love how they put "kids" and "free beer... for everybody" in the same sentence.

- ChillyWaters

> Calling all divers and families!
> We would just like to remind you about the Thetis Lake beach =
> clean-up this Saturday Sept. 24 from 10-2pm. The TD bank has sponsored
> = the clean-up and has put a lot of work into organizing this event.
> Great = Ocean Adventures is a big supporter of beach clean ups and we
> would love = to help make sure there is a great turn out so they will
> run it again = next year.
> There will be a dive to clean up the lake and volunteers cleaning
> up = the beach and surrounding areas. There is a giant mural for kids
> to = color and FREE beer and burgers for everybody! Please bring your
> own cup = for beer and $2 for parking.
> If you cannot attend, please pass this on to anyone who is willing
> = to help out. Volunteers do not have to be divers and kids are
> welcome so = bring the whole family!
> We hope to see you there!
> Yours truly,
> Kristine and Tish
> Great Ocean Adventures
> PS- Please let us know if you will be attending so they know how many
> = burgers to buy but you can also just show up.
Hey ChillyWaters, I was just wondering if you are part of the UVic dive club.

I think i remember you saying you were a student.



Embarassingly, yes, I am still a student. I have been one for just over 10 years now -- though graduation looks likely within the year.

And yup, I have joined the UVic scuba club. Hopefully they do a bit more this year than last. They had a few charters last year, but I was unable to attend any. They're a sweet deal though, at about $30/trip.

Why do you ask?

- ChillyWaters
I was just wondering as I too joined the Uvic scuba club this year. It will be my first year at Uvic. From the looks of it, the club will at least be a good place to meet dive buddies, and for someone new to victoria it will be a good way to become familier with some of the dive spots.


I was just wondering as I too joined the Uvic scuba club this year. It will be my first year at Uvic. From the looks of it, the club will at least be a good place to meet dive buddies, and for someone new to victoria it will be a good way to become familier with some of the dive spots.

The club is great because you get free air, cheap charters, and hopefully some group dives. I'm all up for getting some of us together and going for a dive if the club doesn't organize it. There are a few guys in the club that dive quite often. I usually dive once a week, on the weekend. That's all my life allows: I have too many hobbies.

- ChillyWaters
Sounds good to me...

Im just hoping to dive as much as I can, hopfully at least once a week, maybe more depending on my work load at school.

I am still a new diver, only have maybe 10 dives under my belt, so hopfully the dive club will have some other divers in the same boat as me.


Finally had my first fresh water dive. We picked up two collection bags worth of junk, including 2 dog throw toys, a few fish hooks, and lots of bottles. Man that bag was heavy at the end.

Anyways, for those that haven't dove Thetis, here's what to expect: LOTS OF SILT! There was a silt covering on the bottom that was over an inch thick in places. The viz wasn't bad, until you started grabbing things... then it got terrible.

We saw LOTS of fish (perch and trout), as well as 6 or 7 fairly large crayfish (??). It was fun to do as a different dive.

- ChillyWaters
Finally had my first fresh water dive. We picked up two collection bags worth of junk, including 2 dog throw toys, a few fish hooks, and lots of bottles. Man that bag was heavy at the end.

Anyways, for those that haven't dove Thetis, here's what to expect: LOTS OF SILT! There was a silt covering on the bottom that was over an inch thick in places. The viz wasn't bad, until you started grabbing things... then it got terrible.

We saw LOTS of fish (perch and trout), as well as 6 or 7 fairly large crayfish (??). It was fun to do as a different dive.

- ChillyWaters

The best part about fresh water diving, is that you don't have to rinse your gear

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