The time of my life in honduras

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Utila, Honduras
Hey folks!

just some little tips for the travellers:

i've been in utila, honduras in the bay island, suppost to stay 3 weeks and i stayed there for four months!!! unbelievable, and that with my time-schedule!!

i had the time of my life on this beautiful island!
i was diving in the utila dive centre, the coolest dive centre ever! just everything was great! we all had so much fun! i miss it allready...

i did two courses there advanced and rescue! so, i recommend all travellers out there who is interested in diving, ckeck this dive-shop out! is the best!!!

take care and enjoy your life!

Heidi - Were you playing and working or just playing? Living off savings? Sabatical? between semesters? What's the story? Sounds amazing - something I'd love to do sometime.
Moved from Introductions & Greets forum.

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