So, I've been diving the past few years with 70 or so logged dives. I've got a DM certification with deep, wreck, night, UW naturalist and EAN specialties. (I know many of you will roll your eyes at me for having a pro certification with such few dives, but I dont plan on working as a padi pro until after I get my instructor- at which I want to do a 2-3 month internship to do so for more experience. That said, I know any certain certification doesnt mean much around here.)
Anyway, I've been interested in tech diving for quite a while. I'd eventually like to do tech diving. I say eventually because I want at least a few more years doing recreational diving to gain more experience. But once I'm 'ready' to do tech diving, which route would one suggest I take? As in, which cert's should I start with and which should I progress in.
As for goals in tech diving, I'd like to do some deep (~200fsw) dives, mostly wrecks, walls, and caves.
Anyway, I've been interested in tech diving for quite a while. I'd eventually like to do tech diving. I say eventually because I want at least a few more years doing recreational diving to gain more experience. But once I'm 'ready' to do tech diving, which route would one suggest I take? As in, which cert's should I start with and which should I progress in.
As for goals in tech diving, I'd like to do some deep (~200fsw) dives, mostly wrecks, walls, and caves.