The Magic Scuba Genie

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Reaction score
returning to the sea
# of dives
100 - 199
So...if one day a magical genie (Or magical mermaid if that sounds better) appeared before you - an avid or aspiring avid scuba diver and said the following:

I am here to offer you a choice of being a true denizen of the sea.

If you accept you will be given the following powers:

For the rest of your days (# of years left in your human life to the average we'll say) you may live forever in the ocean.

- You do not need to breathe and may stay in the water as long as u wish
- Never have equalization problems
- Require no scuba gear or thermal protection
- Perfect vision - above water and underwater
- May swim as fast as the fastest ocean going animals (Dolphin, bluefin tuna, etc..)
- No fear of sharks or other underwater creatures or fishermen
- You may enjoy living among the reefs, animals, etc...anywhere in the world
- You don't need to eat, you will be a solar powered creature
- Obviously, you will never need to work again

But --

- You must give up everything you own and all attachments to the world on land
- You will not be able to walk on land again, though you could hang out on shallow water beaches / lagoons
- You may surface and greet any humans who come to visit you, but must stay in the water
- Any friends or family who also accept this, you may hang out together with the same powers and speak telepathically among each other
- You won't be able to verbally speak with those on land again

Who would accept this offer from the Magic Scuba Genie?
How hot was the mermaid?

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