10 days later...
and i got around to see the movie (bored tonight)
1. the bags had definitelly dacor logo on them
2. yes they had full face masks and coms but they also had double hoses. (there is nothing wierd about rebreather with full face mask)
3. i was thinking the same about the weight of the gold but then i noticed all of the divers were standing/kneeling on the bottom so it is not like they were trying to swim with them
4. the viz... they had just plain waaay too good viz in there

i've been to venice and really that water doesn't look that clear...
5. the scene that really looked unreal is when they are sitting underwater in the middle of the winter at the bottom of the dam and breathe from the open circuit scuba conveniently stoved at the back of the van. I am sorry but that was in the middle of the winter, basically diving under ice and i don't see how they could survive in the water for long enough in this temp...
6. they all used split fins! ...
7. those looked alike semi closed circuit rebreathers.. i don't know much about rebreathers

but all the divers had a steady stream of bummbles comming out.