I thought I'd get this up while I have a chance. Leaving on Thursday for Coz ...
I'm going to do the blog thing again this year for the Trip Report.
I'll make daily or semi-daily posts and add land pics as I have them.
I'll edit and add the underwater photos and add final thoughts and fill in the blanks when I get back.
Should be fun, we're diving with 2 dive ops this year, (first time for that). And we have a bunch of new equipment to review including: BC's with interated 2nd stage air (whoo hoo! no more octo!!), wetsuits, booties, rash shirts & delving into the wild world of video this year with a GoPro ...
... if you're on the island, we'll be at Blue Angel, diving with BA most of the time, doing 3 days with Tres Pelicanos, I'll try and make posts on the station FB page: Beach Bar Radio-KCZM on where we'll be daily
go here to follow the blog: The Shark Tank radio show
I'm going to do the blog thing again this year for the Trip Report.
I'll make daily or semi-daily posts and add land pics as I have them.
I'll edit and add the underwater photos and add final thoughts and fill in the blanks when I get back.
Should be fun, we're diving with 2 dive ops this year, (first time for that). And we have a bunch of new equipment to review including: BC's with interated 2nd stage air (whoo hoo! no more octo!!), wetsuits, booties, rash shirts & delving into the wild world of video this year with a GoPro ...
... if you're on the island, we'll be at Blue Angel, diving with BA most of the time, doing 3 days with Tres Pelicanos, I'll try and make posts on the station FB page: Beach Bar Radio-KCZM on where we'll be daily
go here to follow the blog: The Shark Tank radio show