the basics?

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Santa Barbra, CA
Where can I find some basic infos on rerbeathers(what are the types, which brands are good, the mechanism, etc)?
i no wat a rebreather is but i dont own one, nor do i no very much about them.
DementialFaith once bubbled...
Where can I find some basic infos on rerbeathers(what are the types, which brands are good, the mechanism, etc)?
There are two very good books on the subject, Jeff Bozanic's "Mastering Rebreathers" and Steve Barsky's "A Simple Guide To Rebreathers".

Jeff's book is more in depth, and more recent. It describes different operating principles as well the diving theory, and has a large section that contains the pre- and post dive procedures of most current systems. The notable exclusion is APD's Inspiration CCR. Information of that unit (including Operating Manual) can be found at APD's website (they also have some info there on the new, smaller Evolution CCR) at
the US distributer Silent Diving Systems at
and Madmole's website (he's also here on the board frequently)

Steve's book is out of print afaIk, but you might be able to track one down. It is, as the name implies, a simple guide and less of a text book.

I also recommend reading Richard Pyle's rebreather page and learner's guide

Two great sites for general info are

If you search or just read through the board here you'll find plenty of info and links to RB sites, all manufacturers have them and so do many of their customers.

Add-ited: gjw posted while I wrote, hence the same links ...

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