Thatch Caye Update

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Delray Beach, Fl.
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Yesterday we went to the Blue Hole. It was an amazing dive! We were 2 divers and a couple of people snorkeling and no one else at the site. There were a few of the boats from San Pedro that were on Half Moon Caye so they were either coming or going. Chico, the divemaster, grew up on one of the Cayes here and has done a lot of diving in these waters. We went down to 135 feet and there were 5 big sharks, reef and bull, about 30 feet below us. Lot of big grouper, too The coolest thing though was the stalactite formations around the ledge. You could swim behind and under them. Very cool. Water temp was 84. Vis was maybe 60 feet. Our second dive was at a place called the aquarium because that is what it is like. The fish are everywhere! Some of the people snorkeling got freaked because there were so many fish around them. More big grouper, some eagle rays, barracuda, a turtle and the usual suspects. We were at around 60 feet for most of the dive. A really fantastic day. I hope to dive it again before I leave. I only wish I was able to be down longer. Maybe I need to learn more about deco diving. After the dive it was back to the Caye for dinner and chill time. Today I went to see a Mayan ruin. A city that was swallowed by the jungle and discovered in 1951. I think there are 26 buildings there but they haven't all been excavated. I have to say, I really like Belize and Thatch Caye. It is really the kind of place that I like to be and I like the personal way the place is run. I don't feel like a guest as much as I do a friend. I am planning on staying for a few more weeks so I will keep posting. gary
Funny, I was at the BH the day before. I logged 87f though - incredibly warm, too much for the coral, which has bleached quite badly. If you want to learn about deco diving and you've got several weeks then maybe we could do something. I'm actually teaching one of the local instructors up here about deco and deep diving right now, and I've taken people down to 200ft (the air-diving maximum) for one hour dives in the BH. Are you nitrox certified? If not, that's the first thing to do - you may well find you can do it at TCR while you're there.
Hi Gary. Sounds like a great trip. We will be arriving in Belize in 1 week for diving. We here little about Thatch Caye except it is expensive. Can you tell me about your costs. Thanks, Ken.
As for the nitrox course Peterbj was suggesting, you can in face take it there via the internet at they now offer it as a online course. When you complete the course you have to do a practical with an instructor, but that is not a big deal. 15 to 30 min tops.

Ask Chico to take you to the "Devils pit" another very cool dive just over 100' **** DO NOT penetrate the cave unless you are cave certified.

you are so right about Thatch Caye they make you feel like FRIENDS not guests
You're right, Caxy Diver, it is possible to do it online with PADI. That's not my preferred method though, as PADI's method is a bit to prescrpitive for me and teaches people to "learn" the material rather than to "understand" it. Something understood is retained, something just learned is forgotten within weeks.

But if it's backed up by a session with a competent instructor than I'm sure this method could work as well.
The costs are whatever they list on the website. Sometimes you can get better deals in low season. Belize is not the cheapest dive destination but I think it was worth the price. One of the problems is the outrageous price of fuel and a boat ride to the Blue Hole sucks up a lot of it. Thatch Caye is different. Very personal. Like staying with friends. The complete opposite of San Pedro. I just wish the plane flights were cheaper.

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