Suggestion Thanks Count in Search

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Wow.....what a DB
Reaction score
Acton, Ontario
# of dives
200 - 499
Would it be possible to see how many thanks have been applied to a given post when it is part of a "Thanks Search" like when you click on the Thanks # by a users name? I think it would be good to be able to see all thanked posts but to also easily identify (in that same screen) how many thanks each post has.
That will not make any difference.

At present, there's no such functionality available for vBulletin. It might get implemented if and when it becomes available depending on how widespread the support is for such a functionality.
That will not make any difference.

At present, there's no such functionality available for vBulletin. It might get implemented if and when it becomes available depending on how widespread the support is for such a functionality.

Hmmm that's what you said about this...but nothing ever came of it?

This IS a function availalbe for vBulletin, it DID have support by multiple members...yet nothing ever happened. Must be too busy playing moderator I guess :idk:
That will not make any difference.

At present, there's no such functionality available for vBulletin. It might get implemented if and when it becomes available depending on how widespread the support is for such a functionality.

humor, I get it . . . funny . . . :cool2:
Would it be possible to see how many thanks have been applied to a given post when it is part of a "Thanks Search" like when you click on the Thanks # by a users name? I think it would be good to be able to see all thanked posts but to also easily identify (in that same screen) how many thanks each post has.


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