Thank heavens for PADI

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Here's the best quote I've heard from a PADI Course Director...

"Take my PADI OW course..and go dive...then go and take the NAUI AOW.....and go dive....then go and take the SSI Rescue and Diver stress course and then go dive....find the agency/instructor that best suits you, your personality and your learning style and than stick with them for the rest of your dive career. If I don't see you back in my shop for your DM, I havn't done my job well and I and PADI don't deserve your patronage."

Now that's how it should be!!!
I never actually went to court. I gave a deposition in a local attorney's office. I was questioned by PADI's attorney concerning their lawsuit against Diverlink.
divemed06 once bubbled...
Here's the best quote I've heard from a PADI Course Director...

"Take my PADI OW course..and go dive...then go and take the NAUI AOW.....and go dive....then go and take the SSI Rescue and Diver stress course and then go dive....find the agency/instructor that best suits you, your personality and your learning style and than stick with them for the rest of your dive career. If I don't see you back in my shop for your DM, I havn't done my job well and I and PADI don't deserve your patronage."

Now that's how it should be!!!

Ahhhh...Horse cookies. Just because he didn't do a good job doesn't mean that no PADI instructor would have.

What's the point anyway.
I very rarely teach PADI BOW anymore because I feel like I can't teach everything that I feel is important in one weekend of pool and classroom and four open water dives. I do teach it occasionally but I do it on my own and no longer teach that class thru my shop. I now prefer to teach the upper level courses but I teach them on my terms as well. This allows me the freedom to spend as much time as I want and add to the course as I see fit.

I think that the PADI standards are actually pretty comprehensive. Sure, there are some things I would like to add…and I do add these things…but overall I think they have a pretty solid offering. Unfortunately it takes me more time to teach all that PADI requires than my shop allows.

That, IMHO, is where the system breaks down. A shop has to present the course and still make - or not lose - money doing so. Well sorta, anyways. They can make it up on the back end with gear sales and trips and such. However, if they would have to double their time in the pool and in open water then not only will they make less because of the greater overhead associated with this expanded course but they will attract fewer customers to begin with.

The weakness in PADI’s system isn’t in their standards but rather in the fact that they allow and even encourage this abbreviated course. But what I see as a weakness in PADI’s system a shop owner might see as its strength; a marketable open water course. Likewise, adhering to PADI’s standards and instructional system provides a shop and its instructors prudent risk management under which they can safely conduct business. This, of course, is what my example of Walter’s Immelman maneuver was meant demonstrate. Adhering to uniform standards both protects the student and reduces the liability of the instructor. When an instructor deviates from standards – either by omitting or adding to standards – then defending such practices becomes much more difficult and may expose the student to unneeded risks.

Here are some of the things that I would like to see change but bear in mind that I have the luxury of not depending on any scuba income to feed my family. I would like more pool time...more open water dives...and a greater emphasis on certifying "finished” self reliant divers. I would like to see PADI raise the minimum age, add some physical fitness screening and toughen up their swimming and general watermanship requirements. It would be great if PADI would provide its instructors with some optional standards or additional instructional modules. And like many others around here, I think that PADI should encourage its instructors to get students up off the bottom before going to open water and once there test skills while in a neutral orientation.


Walter, I don’t recall insulting you. Perhaps you were offended by the “King of the PADI Bashers” title. It is your incessant belittling of PADI that has earned you this title and not my wicked desires. So if you felt insulted I apologize. But I truly believe that you often misrepresent, mislead and proffer unfair accusations and untruths about PADI and its instructors. And that, my friend, is not meant to be an insult...just calling it the way I see it.

Stephen Ash once bubbled...

I tend to agree with much of that but as a shop owner I hated it. I see being a retailer and an instructor as a conflict of interest in the current market.
MikeFerrara once bubbled...

I tend to agree with much of that but as a shop owner I hated it. I see being a retailer and an instructor as a conflict of interest in the current market.

Well, dang it Mike...I wish you could make it and I wish there was a shop around here like yours where I could feel proud of the way that I want to teach.

Unfortunately, I see my shop struggling to make ends meet and they are the quintessential PADI dive center. So, I don't see how a shop like yours could survive in this market.


Excellent post. I disagree with part of what you've said, but I agree with much of it.

I do not feel insulted by being called a PADI basher or even the King of PADI bashers. I understand you disagree with me. I respect disagreements. I don't have a problem with that.

What I consider an insult is when you call me a liar by saying things like, "you often misrepresent, mislead and proffer unfair accusations and untruths about PADI and its instructors." If you were to say you believe I am mistaken in my reading of various points of the standards or you believe my interpretation is mistaken, I would not be offended. That is a difference of opinion. There is a big difference between a disagreement and calling someone a liar. I assume those with whom I disagree are sincere. I do not believe I have received that consideration from you. That does offend me. I do not believe I have said anything about PADI or any other agency which I did not believe to be true.

I don't know if you intended to call me a liar, but that is how I read it. I hope all future discussions can avoid similar occurrences.
I didn't mean to call you a liar.

My mom taught me many was not to call anyone a fool and another was to never call someone a liar. Another one was to not say something about someone if it wasn't nice. Sometimes I slip up on that one. (Sorry mom)

I'm a bit embarrased that you would take it that way and I'm truly sorry 'bout that.

Nevertheless, I don't agree with much of what you say about PADI and its instructors. I feel that it IS often misleading, unfair, and yes...some of it I believe is least given what I know about PADI. I am not calling you a liar for I think that you believe what you say is true. I guess that I would say that you are misguided and have misdirected your energies. But I would not call you a liar.

Sometimes I do wonder how you could be possibly be sincere in your apologies when I have seen you over and over insult someone and then later say that you didn't mean it as an insult. I just don't think your that dim. I know that you have treated me in this manner more than twice and I have seen you do it to others as well. I don't know but somewhere a long the line I got it in my head that you're a jerk. But maybe I'm the's probably a matter of perspective.

I guess I'm guilty of holding a grudge, eh. Well, that's something I'll have to work on, I reckon.

Dang LAWMAN stirred up a hornets nest again.
What did we do to you in Tobermory?????
Bad... Bad... No more lawyer jokes from me anymore.

Nothing to do with DIR, but more to do with a sense of
adventure. Ya kinda get bored diving the same shallow
wrecks over and over again. I have an engineering/science
background and having the type of training/experience for tech/deep diving only minutes from home is great.
I still have my recreational diving gear for the tropics and/or
where the heavy stuff is not applicable.

Am satified with the SSI instruction I have gotten through
the local dive shop here. Don't have anything bad to say about
the other cert organizations. Feel that the quality of training is
a combination of (#1)youself, the instructor/other divers, and the dive shops cert. affiliation.

As I said, a disagreement is not personal. I think it's best left as a disagreement. You are correct, I'm not dim, merely socially retarded. I do sometimes miss different ways my words can be taken. Let's make an agreement as one jerk to another (that is a poor attempt at humor - not throwing an insult your way) to strive to keep future discussions from getting personal and staying with the issues.

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