Testing out new setup

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I've been fooling around with my new setup, 5050, PT-015, Ikelite DS-50. Now that I am using the strobe I think I should cover up the internal flash diffuser on the PT-015. Is this correct? I would like some ideas for non-permanent covering of the internal flash. What is everyone else doing? I would also like to take this time to thank everyone for their help in the recent past for their input. -Howard
The PT-010 came with the diffuser over the internal flash, didn't yours?
You can just use black tape inside the housing to block the internal flash.
The diffuser like those in PT-010 can cause backscatter so the diffuser alone will not be adequate.
If your strobe is hotwired, why not just turn the internal flash off? Or is the hotwire triggered by the flash setting?

Obviously I don't have a C-5050 and use a fiber optic connection! :D :wink:
The PT015 can't be hotwired so I guess it rules out turning the flash off.
You should cover the internal flash to minimize backscatter. Like ssra30 suggested you can use black tape. Or you can carefully unscrew and remove the diffuser, cut the shape of the diffuser out from a black plastic sheet, drill 3 holes and carefully screw the black plastic on.
I sometimes use the internal flash UW (in tight places where I can't use the strobe) so I've made one that sits on the lens barrel of the housing with a velcro strap (the one they use to tie cables with). That way if I ever need the internal flash I just twist it out of the way.
If you want a cover that is detachable but does not want to DIY,
you can check out your local Ikelite dealer. I have an Ikelite housing for my C4040. The housing comes with a detachable plastic ring around the lens port that is attached to a piece of plastic that will block your internal flash. The lens port on the PT-010 and Ikelite housing is the same size. I assume that the PT-015 would be as well. You should be able to get just the plastic cover from Ikelite dealer. Just ask for the one that fit the housing for C4040 or C5050.
I need to read things abit better! I know]/i] the PT-XXX cases can't be hotwired!


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