temp reading error

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southern Ontario Canada
# of dives
25 - 49
I have a 3 gauge console. Laterly it has been giving em erronious readings. We went on a night dive last Saturday and my gauge read 59F yet another dive said his computer console read 49F (an Oceanic pro BTW). The next day we dove again. This time we did a 105 ft dive. Once again my gauge read 59F. Yet 2 other divers claimed it was actually 45F. I wasn't to happy with it's performance. Since i was already conscious of a problem i looked for my gauge later as all our gear was scattered over the boat deck. When I found it the thing it was reading over 100F, as a mater of fact it was as far as the needle could go :shakehead . The rep who happened to be on the boat with us said to check on our second dive...maybe it was just cause it sat in the sun. NO!.... on our second dive my gauge read 80F and everyone else got 62... sigh! She told me after it would likely have to go back to Oceanic. I know most people dive with computers these days but ...as a starting diver I got what I could afford. I have only owned it for a year:( .
Now however, since it will likely have to be returned anyhow... what would a trade in give me toward a VT3 computer??

Doug beat me.
I was a computer hold out for years. Still know the dive tables inside and out upside down and backwards but do I use them? Let's just say I am not the 21 year old navy frog man who is in top physical condition and doesn't smoke drink or swear that the dive tables think I should be.
Dive computers are more the norm rather than the rarity these days. I don't think you will regret trading up to one. Oceanic has a great comparison chart on all of the differences between their computers which is pretty straight forward. You might want to look it over. http://www.oceanicww.com/pdf/compare_computers.pdf .
Look at the differences and all of the features and benefits with the idea of "is this a computer that will allow me to grow into it as I continue my education or will I grow out of it as I begin finding my niche in the world of scuba". My favorite diving, for instance, is night diving. I want audible alarms and backlighting and as an instructor, I want to be able to recall an entire week or two of dive information on board or by downloading it to my home PC. Instructors have so much paperwork to fill out already I would prefer to download it all. Because I am way over the age of 21 bigger numbers are a plus. You get the idea. If you have any questions on some of the features of the computers feel free to pm me and I will be more than happy to try and answer them for you.

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