Tech skin for Fusion release date

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New Jersey
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I've been waiting for over two months for my tech skin. Does anyone have a notion of availability?
Took three weeks for mine. They sent a sport skin for free with my tech skin. I live on their side of the border though. A little proding by my LDS with the visiting rep also helped it along. I test drove it in the pool right away (in between OW classes) and it dives like a dream. Bouyancy control was a breeze. Even head-down diving was not affected a lot (ie., no need for a feet first ascent recovery). Plan on taking it out this weekend.
Good morning Tridacna,
I would be asking myself the same question. These skins have been a very popular item and your patience is very much appreciated. Whites is doing its best make sure these back orders are filled in priority sequence. We should see most of these filled in the next month “July/August”, this is a direct result of the product being in very high demand, along with certain suppliers of materials unable to keep up. Also feel free to have your LDS contact Whites in the next couple of weeks for an ETA of when you should expect your skin. Backorders will be filled in the order in which they were placed. I hope this gives you some guidance, and I once again apologize on behalf of Whites for the delay. On the Brightside you have one of the most comfortable suits on the planet, and we welcome you to the team of Fusion divers.
There are only two ways to dive, naked or dry :devil:

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