Suggestions for Belize

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
# of dives
I am heading to Belize on he 1st of August 2013. I am wondering can someone give me some ideas, Looking for info on a dive operators, best restaurants, prices you should pay not what is advertised, and recommended inland tours to do.

There are two of us going, me with about 1600 Dives experience and my gf who has 23 dives under her belt.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you're going to Ambergris Caye, right?

Belize is a small country but it's still a big place. Think Massachusetts.

If you can narrow it down just a bit you'll get a ton of help.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you're going to Ambergris Caye, right?

Belize is a small country but it's still a big place. Think Massachusetts.

If you can narrow it down just a bit you'll get a ton of help.

Yes staying in San Pedro at the Blue Tang Inn. We are both 40 and active. So any suggestions would be appreciated. Also if you want to tell us anything to avoid would. Help too!
From what I remember, the rates between shops were pretty much the same. For my money, go with Island Divers. Rudy runs a great operation (arguably the best in SP). We switched to his shop for the last couple of days and were very pleased. Tons of dive ops all along the beach so there is no need to preselect and book your diving. Spend a hour walking along the beach to talk with them.

I am assuming that you will be flying from Belize City to San Pedro. Keep close tabs on your luggage claim tickets. They are serious about checking them in SP.

Day one, hit one of the supermarkets (we liked the ones run by the Lebanese best) and get a 20l jug of water. Break it down into bottles for daily use. Four of us went through 40l in a weeks stay and saved a lot of money over buying individual bottles. There's a deposit on the jug, and we had no problem getting it returned. If memory serves, there is a supermarket (best in San Pedro) uber close to the airfield.

On your no dive day, take one of the snorkel tours. I think the spot is Hol Chan. They feed the fish there and we saw some massive groupers, several hundred pounds each.
Peter, who lives in San Pedro and checks in often, always recommends Blue Tang Inn so good choice there.

As far as inland tours, there's cave tubing, the Belize Zoo, Lamanai ruins, Altun Ha ruins, and the Community Baboon Sanctuary. It's easy enough to find a driver/guide to any of them.

Cave tubing is about a half hour out of Belize City off the Western Highway. You can combine it with zip lining as they share the same parking lot.

The Zoo, founded and run by American Sharon Matola, is also out that way.

Lamanai is out the Northern Hwy almost to Orange Walk. From there it's about an hour's boat ride up the New River.

Altun Ha is about 30 minutes from Goidson Airport. It's a great way to kill a couple of hours in the morning if your flight out is in the afternoon.

The Baboon Sanctuary is out past the airport off the highway that connects the Northern and Western highways.

There's a lot more to Belize than what I listed above, but these are the closest and most accessible to AC.
Blue Tang is a very nice choice. You should enjoy this boutique hotel. Great location. Shouldn't need to go all the way to airport to get your groceries. There's at least one grocery and perhaps two (can't recall if one is now closed) behind BT, by going up the side road to the traffic circle.

Immediately in front of BT is the Wet Willies dock and at the front of that dock a dive op called Reef Adventures. Very handy to you. And then one of my favorites, just a few steps further to the north out on a dock is Chuck and Robbies. None of this is intended to take anything away from island Divers cuz Rudy *is* great but his shop not that convenient to the BT.
You asked about things to avoid. Here's my Top Ten List Of Things To Avoid In Belize:

1. Avoid driving in Belize after dark.
2. Avoid walking in Belize City after dark.
3. Avoid walking anywhere in Belize City but the main streets during daylight.
4. Avoid "Tourism Village."
5. Avoid little old ladies trying to sell you marijuana. It's just not worth it.
6. Avoid any of the above listed land tours when the cruise ship buses are parked in their parking lots.
7. Avoid standing directly below a Howler Monkey in the Baboon Sanctuary unless you want to cool off.
8. Avoid hugging a Prickly Tree.
9. Avoid kissing a Fer de Lance.
10. Avoid hanging out with your own kind. Get out and mingle with Belizeans, especially the ones who aren't trying to make a buck off of you. Great people.

Downing, I love number 10!!
You asked about things to avoid. Here's my Top Ten List Of Things To Avoid In Belize:

1. Avoid driving in Belize after dark.
2. Avoid walking in Belize City after dark.
3. Avoid walking anywhere in Belize City but the main streets during daylight.
4. Avoid "Tourism Village."
5. Avoid little old ladies trying to sell you marijuana. It's just not worth it.
6. Avoid any of the above listed land tours when the cruise ship buses are parked in their parking lots.
7. Avoid standing directly below a Howler Monkey in the Baboon Sanctuary unless you want to cool off.
8. Avoid hugging a Prickly Tree.
9. Avoid kissing a Fer de Lance.
10. Avoid hanging out with your own kind. Get out and mingle with Belizeans, especially the ones who aren't trying to make a buck off of you. Great people.


We actually came across a Fer de Lance during our May (2013) trip.
It didn't make my wife happy!

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