Subsurface - gas switch and SAC Rate

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Los Angeles
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100 - 199
Subsurface question. How to show a gas switch for SAC rate purposes.

I did a dive yesterday that include a gas switch from back gas (Shearwater transmitter) to deco gas (no transmitter). Tec40 training dive. When I exported to subsurface, it showed the gas switch, but assumed I held my breath the entire time I was on deco gas, which was a awhile for simulation reasons. Although I appreciate the god-like SAC rate it shows, I was wondering if there was a way to tell Subsurface "I only used the back gas prior to the gas switch." Adding the deco gas manually doesn't seem to help. Thanks.
Setting start and end pressure, plus size, for the cylinder you switched to should update SAC. When doing a test locally on a test file I have I had to enable showing unused cylinders in the settings to be able to edit the cylinder that was switched to.

If you just add a new cylinder and it's not the one switched to in the change event, then it won't be used for sac calculations. You can also change which cylinder the gas change event changed to by right clicking on the event in the profile.
Setting start and end pressure, plus size, for the cylinder you switched to should update SAC. When doing a test locally on a test file I have I had to enable showing unused cylinders in the settings to be able to edit the cylinder that was switched to.

If you just add a new cylinder and it's not the one switched to in the change event, then it won't be used for sac calculations. You can also change which cylinder the gas change event changed to by right clicking on the event in the profile.
Thanks. That worked.

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