Story of honesty and caring in Cozumel

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Reaction score
Boston, MA
# of dives
200 - 499
I just got back from a week in Cozumel at the recommendation of Scuba Board member AngieD. I had always thought Cozumel was like Can Cun and so stayed away. I was pleasantly surprised once one got away from the main drag that is filled with tourists. I stayed at a downtown hotel El Meson San Miguel (formerly Sun Village) and it was mainly Mexican families on vacation there. My room was airconditioned, decent size with cable tv (who needs it?) and had a balcony overlooking the small pool. The balcony was great for drying all my gear. Since I am fluent in Spanish I had great conversations about life and school in Mexico. I had a great diving experience with Blue Bubble. I had not been diving in 8 years and despite a Scuba Refresher up here in Boston (conditions totally different) I was quite nervous. They took great care of me and by the end of the week I dove Punta Sur (100 ft +) and Devil's Throat and had 16 dives. (Years ago I was a daily diver in St. Croix, doing research).

Anyway one day I was going to the Brisas hotel to snorkel with scubaboard buddy Angie and the tour ships people were all piled up looking for taxis. I sat and chatted with an older Mexican gentleman seated under a palm tree. When the taxi came I was so excited that it stopped for single me that I ran and left all my snorkel gear in my bag. I didn't realize it till I got to the Brisas hotel. The cab driver took me back and the gentleman who I had been chatting with was watching the bag for me. The cab driver ran over and got it and he whisked me back to the Brisas!

I found Cozumel developing in a disconcerting way (Punta Langosta and big all inclusives) but still very charming when one goes beyond the main drag. The reefs seemed pretty healthy on the dives I was on, except for the Paraiso or Paradise Reef. I can't speak to the prior species diversity since this was my first visit to Cozumel, but I didn't see much bleaching of coral or the proliferation of sea urchins and fire coral and certain sponges that usually means dying reef.

For a typical Mexican experience I would stay downtown. If you have nondivers with you, I would go with a beachside place with a beach club, but one closer to town like Plaza las Glorias. All-in-all I liked Cozumel, but could see it going in a Can Cun -like direction.
I posted a similar story when I got back from Cozumel; I left my carry-on bag on the airport shuttle when it dropped me off at the hotel, and did not discover it was missing for a couple of hours. It had in it two regs, two dive computers, all my travelers checks, my CD player, 50 CD's, my prescription dive mask AND the backup, and many other essentials for the trip. Due to the honesty and kindness of the shuttle driver, I got it back despite the fact that my hotel name wasn't on it anywhere.

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