Stingray City Video

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Reaction score
United States
# of dives
50 - 99
My first GoPro Video!!! Any/all feedback is appreciated because I am very much an amateur at the videography / editing thing. For reference, I used the Hero3 Black and shot on 2.7k at 30 fps. Thanks!!

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LOL @ toozler...........Did she suck a tank down in about 1o minutes? :D
Haha. It was shallow so we still got an hour in. My wife is VERY animated but claims she loved the dive.
That was cool! Looks like alot of fun! Which filter did you use? Any particular reason you shot in 2.7k?

Nice work for your first video!!

Well, the video upload is only 720p due to Vimeo only allowing me to upload 720p with a basic account. I shot in 2.7k in order to get 1080p crops for a blu-ray burn and still get 30fps. The first 30 seconds or so I used the Urpro CyFilter but the rest of the dive was shot without a filter. It was a shallow dive and the colors were good so I took the filter off. In hind site I would use my white balance card more than I did with the initial video just due to the sun hiding behind clouds for moments and changing video direction which changes the lighting. I would also work on stabilizing the camera much better. It was difficult to do when stingrays were trying to envelop me. The eel got MUCH closer than I thought it would which created some bumpy video there as well.

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