Still on crutches - Singing Sands Placencia

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L Cooper

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Hi all,

Thanks for replies earlier this week to my questions. RoatanMan, if you read this - I DID look into CoCoView, and darnit, all the rooms are filled! You can bet I'm going there on my next "real" dive trip. I want to scuba their "front yard". Also, it seems too depressing to go and not dive such an awesome place.

Since I *may not* have full ankle use by May 23 - we're looking at Singing Sands in Placencia, where we'll kick back some, and *maybe* take advantage of the occasional dive/snorkel trip. Apparently good snorkeling nearby, and dive trip opportunities if I can kick, carry gear, etc.

My questions:
1. Anyone stay at Singing Sands? Comments? Like a good Scubaboard member, I did a search, and can't find ANY posts. Is this a bad thing?

2. How calm is the water off Placencia May 23-30? I'm reading conflicting reports.

Thanks!!! :10:
Just FYI, the reefs are pretty far away in placencia, so you will have a descent boat ride to get out to them. That being said, we snorkeled and dove there 2 years ago and both were great--the snorkeling in particular. We did one of those bbq/snorkel tours--had a great lunch and a little caye all of ourselves. It was sublime! We found we had to do a lot of walking in Plancencia--up and down the boardwalk to get to the restaurants/bars and such. You can drive to the day tour ops--most are down at the end of the road. I don't know where singing sand is located, so I can't help you there. I can't remember at the moment the place we stayed, but it consisted of cinderblock cabanas on the beach (for like $55/nt)--not fancy, but a lot of fun. However, that required a lot of walking, as it was at the end of town (by the dive ops). We really liked Placencia though--very kicked back!

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