State of the Server Address...

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The Chairman

Chairman of the Board
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
Things always seem to move a bit slower than planned and so it has been with our servers. After quite a few more custom tweaks on our system, and with the doubling of memory in the Web Server, we seem to finally have stability. I won't bore you with all of the details, but I would like to thank all of those that have "GONE RED" in response to the "open letter". You have enabled us to double the memory for both the Web server as well as the data server.

Speaking of the data server, now that we have acheived stability on just one server, we should be deploying the second one in the next few days. This will cut our processor loads effectively in half and give us much needed room for growth. As soon as these prove their reliability we will continue to turn services on, beginning with our beloved photo gallery! YAY!

As for the long awaited Dive Profile... that will be requiring a good deal of custom coding to get it to work with the most current version of vBulletin. We will be dealing with that as we have time.

Look for a new look and feel in our portal system soon, as well as the long awaited chat area to appear between now and DEMA. You're gonna love what we are doing with the board.
YEAH I likes things when they are looking up!!!!!
Things always seem to move a bit slower than planned and so it has been with our servers. After quite a few more custom tweaks on our system, and with the doubling of memory in the Web Server, we seem to finally have stability. I won't bore you with all of the details, but I would like to thank all of those that have "GONE RED" in response to the "open letter". You have enabled us to double the memory for both the Web server as well as the data server.

Speaking of the data server, now that we have achieved stability on just one server, we should be deploying the second one in the next few days. This will cut our processor loads effectively in half and give us much needed room for growth. As soon as these prove their reliability we will continue to turn services on, beginning with our beloved photo gallery! YAY!

As for the long awaited Dive Profile... that will be requiring a good deal of custom coding to get it to work with the most current version of vBulletin. We will be dealing with that as we have time.

Look for a new look and feel in our portal system soon, as well as the long awaited chat area to appear between now and DEMA. You're gonna love what we are doing with the board.

How far down the road is it before RS feeds will be turned back on?

Thanks for all the hard work in making ScubaBoard into what it is today.
hmm netdoc so you know you can use the current pluging at for 3.6.1 ( could work for 3.5 as well)

What I did on the other forums I run , I have a modded version of it for Car performance items ( clickable pull down menus or static display, and if you have the right user permissions you can view added comments/ admin view only fields)

just an aid for you instead of re-programming a whole added profile page :wink:
Cool Beans! You and FCD have done wonders!
Pete, you guys have done a great job!

And to those out there who have been complaining so obstreperously. There is a wise old saying that goes, "Don't get something for nothing and complain about the quality."

the K
LOL seems to slow down every once in a while though :wink: :wink:

Must be those MOF/NMOF folks GEEZ they sure need to get lives :wink:

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