Watching Blue Planet I saw the video of the white shark coming up from below to strike the seal shape target containing the camera... WOW!
Have you ever been startled by a fast approaching unidentified object UW???
I have been startled before by sea lions.... actually had one slam into me from behind once... but I wasn't startled until I turned around to punch my buddy back and found out that it wasn't my buddy...
Well today we were on the other side of the fence....
Shane and I were cruising along with our scooters at 65 fsw in 10~15 viz when I noticed something thrashing the bottom off to my right...
It was a diver on his back flailing wildly trying to reverse course!!!
I thought maybe he was in trouble so I turned toward him and the thrashing really went into high gear...
We had startled the poor guy and he was digging a trench trying to get away from the sea monsters that had come out of the haze!
Have you ever been startled by a fast approaching unidentified object UW???
I have been startled before by sea lions.... actually had one slam into me from behind once... but I wasn't startled until I turned around to punch my buddy back and found out that it wasn't my buddy...
Well today we were on the other side of the fence....
Shane and I were cruising along with our scooters at 65 fsw in 10~15 viz when I noticed something thrashing the bottom off to my right...
It was a diver on his back flailing wildly trying to reverse course!!!
I thought maybe he was in trouble so I turned toward him and the thrashing really went into high gear...
We had startled the poor guy and he was digging a trench trying to get away from the sea monsters that had come out of the haze!