Specific Sites around Ishigaki

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Oakland, Ca
# of dives
200 - 499
Can anyone please recommend specific dive sites from Ishigaki Island, Okinawa? I'll be staying for three days next month and am quite keen to go. I'm hoping to do at least one night dive as well, Any information on what sites there are, features, special conditions, whatever; would be appreciated. What are your recommendations, and why?

eg: Honjitsu reef has lots of fish but be careful of the sea monster and heavy current


PS-Of course I searched on Ishigaki, but found general rather than specific. Maybe my research skills just suck, I don't know.
Manta Scramble...you might see, er, well, you get it.

I was in Ishigaki about 3 weeks ago! It was great! 2 days of diving.

[FONT=&quot]Our first day was manta scramble and the sakieda big arch nearby. I enjoyed this area but was disappointed in the lack of fish. I'd still recommend it as the Mantas are spectacular and the Arch makes for some pretty dramatic rock/cavern spots![/FONT]

The second day was 3 points near an island called taketomi (just 20-30min by boat) and this area had fantastic fish. We also some cuttlefish spawning which was a treat. You might be luck and still see some!

I wanted to do a night dive but was told it was too early or some other BS. But if you can, I'd do it!

I have a list of about 30-40 sites and description around ishigaki, but in Japanese.... If you can read japanese I can send you the list. (send me a PM)

To wet your whistle, here are some picks! http://www.scubaboard.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=2366

I visited Ishigaki in Golden Week. As the others said, the most famous site in Ishigaki is Manta Scramble. Had 2 days diving and saw 2 mantas in first day, and 3 in the next day. I heard there were 5 mantas in the day when I departed Ishigaki.

The other site that I like is Yonehara Pukapi (south). The corals around here are beautiful, and you can see 5 kinds of anemonefishes in one dive.

I didn't do night dive.
Some nice photos, thanks for sharing. I notice you are wearing hoods. How's the water temperature there?
Mar, Purr, thanks for the input.
On April 22nd it was 23-24 degrees. I just checked the website log of the dive op we used, and they say it was 25 yesterday.

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