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Watford, UK
as i have decided not to stay in italy and get my fingers worked to the bone and treated like some slave or a piece of it on the bottom of your shoe, i am now redundant so i thought i would make use of my spare time and update/restructure my website, so what do you think?

The Deep Blue

still got a little to do on some of the indiviual pages, but it is in the general shape of how i wanted it.

cheers in advance for the USEFULL critique

clive :D
These are my notes as I look through your new site....

1) I hate the pop-up banner. And it pops up again everytime I have to go back to the main page.
2) The Bubble noise is annoying to me but at least it's not music I can't turn off!
3) I like the black background of the pages, it sets off the thumbnails nicely. If the window on the left could be a bit narrower, maybe we wouldn't have to scroll back and forth to see the whole photo on the right.
4) I'd like to see a back and forward button to lead me from photo to photo at full size. Having to use my back button to go back to the thumbnails to chose again is a PITA and I doubt I'll look at many full size photos. It stops the flow of looking at a group of pictures.
5) Your catagories on the left under 2001 are a bit off in the spacing.
6) I think you have a nice start.
Dee once bubbled...
These are my notes as I look through your new site....

1) I hate the pop-up banner. And it pops up again everytime I have to go back to the main page.

that was the only way i could afford to run the sun as it uses more than 50 meg so i had to get 100mb space sorry

2) The Bubble noise is annoying to me but at least it's not music I can't turn off!

i will cut the loop to once :rolleyes:

3) I like the black background of the pages, it sets off the thumbnails nicely. If the window on the left could be a bit narrower, maybe we wouldn't have to scroll back and forth to see the whole photo on the right.

strange i set the pictures to 640 x 480 which should not cause this problem, they look fine on both my machine and laptop.

4) I'd like to see a back and forward button to lead me from photo to photo at full size. Having to use my back button to go back to the thumbnails to chose again is a PITA and I doubt I'll look at many full size photos. It stops the flow of looking at a group of pictures. .

i am going to have to look into that as it will need some programming and i have used front page, which i don't think does it :confused:

5) Your catagories on the left under 2001 are a bit off in the spacing. .

i indented them so you had a heading and the subject below, is that what you are talking about?

6) I think you have a nice start.

clive francis once bubbled...
that was the only way i could afford to run the sun as it uses more than 50 meg so i had to get 100mb space sorry
That's understandable! The site is worth putting up with it!
i will cut the loop to once :rolleyes:
Don't just on my say so! Someone else may really like it.
strange i set the pictures to 640 x 480 which should not cause this problem, they look fine on both my machine and laptop.
I've got a 17" monitor set to 800x640 so it could just be me. Remember I have old eyes!
i am going to have to look into that as it will need some programming and i have used front page, which i don't think does it :confused:
This is the one thing that I really would work to change.
i indented them so you had a heading and the subject below, is that what you are talking about?
Yes, I think so. On second look, it's where the indented text is carried over to the next line. When you point to it, both lines light up. The way the words are split, they could be seperate subjects. So just ignore this one! :wink:
I would force the top frame to a set size so if you open the bowser at a smaller sice the heading frame doesn`t get squished

Can you make that GIF bigger - I feel the written stuff should be bigger

The 4 options on the main page need to be more pronounced - bolder / color .. something

Can you make the stuff at the bottom smaller - it`s dwarfing your stuff - make the mail me link more obvious

The thumbnail frames need to be a fixed size - when I resize the screen your thumbnails wrap around and the layout looks messy - the frame should stay fixed and give me scroll bars

Like Dee said - forward / back / home navigation between photos would be nice

Keep your background consistant - when you click on a thumbnail the main pic is on a white background

I think headings on the main page and on each photo is nice = if someone wants to ask about a specific photo they can at least give you the name.

I`d use some color and / or point / font change to make the heading and sub headings v links for the albums clearer

Do you use photoshop ? The option to create albums in there is very good and very fast

I hope that gives you something to think about - I think it`s looking good so far !
The site is good, and definitely shows alot of work has gone into it.

I'd suggest:
-definitely get rid of the sound
-consider getting closer to your subjects, and getting down to their level
-what's with the copyrighted shots from another photographer?
what other photographer?

i thought i had got closer and down to their level, there are not many shots where the subject doesn't fill the frame.

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