Hi There,
Just back from Lembeh, it is difficult for me to identify those Nudi. If you could help me that would be great
1) Chromodoris annae
2) Ceratosoma trilobatum
3) Nembrotha kubaryana
4) Risbecia tryoni
5) Risbecia tryoni
6) Chromodoris tinctoria
7) Jorunna funebris
8) Janolus sp.
9) Hypselodoris nigrostriata
10) Halgerda batangas
11) Risbecia tryoni
12) Risbecia tryoni
13) Risbecia tryoni
14) Chromodoris albopunctata
15) Pteraeolidia ianthina
Just back from Lembeh, it is difficult for me to identify those Nudi. If you could help me that would be great
1) Chromodoris annae
2) Ceratosoma trilobatum
3) Nembrotha kubaryana
4) Risbecia tryoni
5) Risbecia tryoni
6) Chromodoris tinctoria
7) Jorunna funebris
8) Janolus sp.
9) Hypselodoris nigrostriata
10) Halgerda batangas
11) Risbecia tryoni
12) Risbecia tryoni
13) Risbecia tryoni
14) Chromodoris albopunctata
15) Pteraeolidia ianthina
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