Some Belize questions, end of June trip

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Phoenix AZ
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25 - 49

I am planning a drive trip with my brother & sister (Ambergnis Caye is the place to be right?). We are all advanced divers, and I have been to Bonaire, my sister to Fiji.

I found this place:
Belize dive resort vacation package Their rates seem pretty good, but I have no idea what I am looking at really, what are the good spots? We'd like to do a couple days worth of boat dives. How are the local dives vs. the longer boat trips?

Since we'll be there June, it seems like we should go on a whale shark dive too. Do you have to book those in advance, and if so where?

Also, how is the nightlife in San Pedro?

Any tips you guys might have on going scuba diving in Belize would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Hey Pieter

We have been communicating by email but I will also answer the questions here in case anyone else needs the info.

For advanced divers I really reccomend the Atolls of Belize ie Glovers Atoll, Lighthouse Reef or Turneffe. Personally glovers is my favorite and i consider it the best diving in Belize but there are sacrafices you have to make to dive in the atolls.

1.) It looks to be expensive on face value but you have to consider all your meals are included and theres nothing more to pay other than Beers or other alchohol.

2.) Not much else to do on the Atolls other than dive fish laze about etc its remote and there is no nightlife other than whatever you make yourself.

Ambergris Caye is a good choice if you want more nightlife as there are lots of bars restaurants and the best nightlife in Belize. You can also get access to the Atolls of Ligthhouse Reef and Turneffe via day trips so you can get to taste the atolls while still being able to do other things when not diving.

Ambergris Dive sites are located just 5-10 minutes from shore so its an easy boat ride and your back on shore pretty quick after diving.

Ambergris also offers more than 10 mainland trips where you can take a trip into the mainland for the day to explore Mayan Ruins or Cave Tubing etc.

Overall Ambergris is a good option if you want the nightlife and choices of restaurants you also have a better option on accomodations as Ambergris offers everything from Budget to Luxury and everything inbetween.

Whales Sharks are located near Placencia and Glovers in a place called Gladden spit and its here where you will get the chance to see the Whales Sharks. Its reccomended to plan at least 2 days to dive with the Whale Sharks as it is not guaranteed sightings and diving for 2 days increases your chances to see them. A day trip departing from Placencia is average $170.00 per person per day and includes 2 dives and lunch.

Placencia also offers reef diving however unlike Ambergris caye you are in for fairly long boat rides out to the reef, 45 minutes to an hour each way, but the diving is very nice once you get there.

Placencia also offers day trips out to Glovers reef $200.00 per person includes 3 dives and lunch and takes 2 hours or so to get out there but the diving here is excellent and anyone diving Placencia should do one of those day trips to Glovers.

As Placencia is a penisula and not an island its easy to be able to do mainland adventures from there as there is no boat ride or flight involved when you want to do a mainland adventure.

I think that covers it

Gaz Cooper
The only thing I would add to Gaz's summary of Placencia, is that the benefit of being in Placencia is that the land tours are very interesting and a good way to spend time if you get weather that makes diving questionable. Monkey River is 30 minutes away by boat through mangroves which is a fun ride in its own right. When you go up the river you see crocodiles, hurge iguanas, and lots of birds. Up the river, you take a hike into the rain forest to find howler monkeys. This trip always gets good reviews by visitors. About an hours drive away is Cockscombe Preserve which has the world's highest concentration of jaguars and other big cats (which you are unlikely to see unless you go at night but maybe they will see you). This is an excellent place for jungle hikes and you can do it on your own or with a guide. The guide helps a lot in understanding what you are seeing and these guides have impressive knowledge of the flora and fauna (all are licenced). There are also the Maya ruins and caves. Forty percent of Belize is covered by protected areas and these are all in the southern half of the country which is the reason I move here. You can check it out at
I just came from Belize and had a splendid time there, I can highly recommend the plaze for diving. We stayed at Caye Caulker, super small island with relaxed atmosphere and decent prices. This place was a great surprise. Wherever you go, watch for thieves breaking into your rooms - we heard a case from two different couples within three days.

Divingwise the Lighthouse Atoll is magnificent, especially the Half Moon and the Eagle Ray Reef, not to overlook the Blue Hole itself. It's just that the marine life in the hole is not so great, however the commonly seen bullsharks do make up for it. Nice little buddies no..

Do check the equipment carefully, Aqua Divers had one leaking legurator in the boat. Otherwise very professional.


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