I am selling my olympus 5050 setup. You will get the Olympus 5050 camera, transfer cable, VGA (television) cable, lens cap, camera strap, olympus battery charger, 4 Energizer 2500mah rechargeable NiMH batteries (olympus batteries are only 1700mah), a SanDisk Ultra II 1 GB memory card, Olympus 32 MB memory card, user guide-book, Ikelite TTL housing (yes it is TTL, little circuitboard and all!) with dual handled tray, moisture muncher pouch, and a leek detector. you will also get an extra o-ring for the housing and extra pair of bolts to hold the housing to the tray. I am asking $650 for the setup. I also have an ike DS-50 strobe with slave sensor that i may sell with the package (you would need an ike ttl cord to use the housings ttl capabilities). The asking price would then be $950. thanks for looking.
please e-mail me concerning this item at stitch*houston.rr.com (replace * with @)**
please e-mail me concerning this item at stitch*houston.rr.com (replace * with @)**