Snowed in

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Since I spent the better part of today getting caught up on all the conversations happening on this board (snow day, eight inches and counting), I thought I should at least introduce myself. I am about as new to diving as they come, I just got certified about a month ago (so I hope everyone will bear with my stupid but I plan on doing a whole lot of diving from now on, or maybe, for now, since the snow outside isn't going to let up, I will be doing a whole lot of talking about diving ...:D
Welcome to diving. There are no stupid questions here so ask away.

you'll find a lot of great people here!

and some of the best wreck diving is just a short drive north on lake ontario :wink:
Welcome to the was said, there is no stupid questions here...


Oh and I feel your pain...It is cold and snowy outsite... :frosty:

how bad is the snow in DC? my mom lives not too far from there.
Ok all you guys go outside face west and blow real hard cause we sure could use some of that white stuff.
qsasha welcome to the board great folks here :)
The snow is not too bad here...we got about 6", but they've done a good job with the main roads...back roads still haven't been plowed...

But after not getting really any snow last year, its good to see it start early this year... :D


qsacha once bubbled...
I just got certified about a month ago (so I hope everyone will bear with my stupid
I have no fear of stupid questions. IMHO, the really STUPID ones are those we're too embarrassed to ask, so we don't, when not knowing the answer can hurt someone. Stupid answers? Now that's a whole other subject. :D
That said, welcome to the wild and wacky world of scuba and this board where we discuss it.


PS: Anyone know just how many icons, smileys' etc., you can squeeze into a single message? :giggle:

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