Small toby or pufferfish? Hawaii

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Portland, OR
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0 - 24
Saw this little fish next to Yellow Tang while snorkeling from beach in Kohala Coast area, Big Island, Hawaii. From the photo and also how I remember seeing it, the fish seems to only have spots on the top. I can't seem to find a fish that matches this one when trying to ID.
Here is a link to photo in my gallery

unidentified_31 - ScubaBoard Gallery
Looks very much like the photo of a Hawaiian Spotted Boxfish at the bottom of page 29 in Hoover's Hawaiian Reef Fishes.
A note on page 30 points out that the males of the local population usually lack the lower spots.
Thank you!

Looks very much like the photo of a Hawaiian Spotted Boxfish at the bottom of page 29 in Hoover's Hawaiian Reef Fishes.
A note on page 30 points out that the males of the local population usually lack the lower spots.

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