Slide to Print problem...

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
# of dives
50 - 99
Couple of years ago I took my first u/w photography course on a livaboard. Loved it and plan to put together my own gear soon. Thnking of going digital right now, but thats for another thread.

Anyway, because the course was on a liveaboard he asked that we use slide film rather than negatives as this would allow him to develop and show the results without going through a print process on board.

I never really worked with slides before and took about 20 of what I deemed to be the best of the lot to the local photography store to have prints done. He sent them to Kodak for the process because he said he could not do positive to positive, but after reading some posts here about an u/w photo div at Kodak, I'm not sure if he sent them to that or not.

When the prints came back I was disappointed. Couldn't do a side by side obviously, but when the slide was shown, the colors were brighter, focus better, and less blue. The prints were bluer, in and out of focus, and muddy.

I suspect the focus issue is a result of the amaturish job I did hand mounting the slides (I did have to adjust the focus on the slide projector frequently), but why would the color change when going from color slide to color print?

Anyone have reccomendations for where to take a handfull of u/w slides to have prints done? They really arn't THAT great, but they were my first and I would like to hang one or two in the office.

I don't know what photo printing capability you have, but one option is to get the slides scanned. This can be done at high resolution (we use 1600 DPI or more). You can then sort out image issues and print them to photo paper.

This gives you a lot more control than a direct transfer.

I recomend sending images to the DarkRoom lab in cali, they do excelent work and they know how to handle underwater images.

It is very very hard to find people who will do hand prints from slides nowadays as slides (and negs) generally just get electronically scanned and printed from that.

My advice for getting slides printed up is to find a professional Lab and take them there.

The costs will be slightly more than a OneHour Photo shop, but if they give you something rubbish you can just say "this is rubbish do it again please" and they generally will.

the lab that I recomended does hand prints. If you have any sized negative/positive they can print it.


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