Since when life got so complicated!

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Reaction score
Geneva Indiana
# of dives
500 - 999
Greetings all this has been ringing in my head for some time now.

This summer when ever I or my wife have tried to make plans to dive it seems between babysitters, extended family issues, athletic events, etc. it becomes more work than it is worth. I hate to say but my wife is just about at the breaking point.
I am one of those guys who will roll at the drop of a hat and go dive.
She is not and it is creating some friction as you can imagine.

Even when we make plans in advance the other activities crowd in.
Last time I checked WE used to be in control of our own plans so maybe it is time to let the others know that!
Guess I better quit ranting and get packing huh!

Anyone else want to chime in, COME ON IN THE RANT IS GREAT!
I do feel better at least now I can go to work and not be in a crappy mood!
Thanks everyone for taking the fire from the drama.

CamG Keep diving....Keep training....Keep learning!
Greetings all this has been ringing in my head for some time now.

This summer when ever I or my wife have tried to make plans to dive it seems between babysitters, extended family issues, athletic events, etc. it becomes more work than it is worth. I hate to say but my wife is just about at the breaking point.
I am one of those guys who will roll at the drop of a hat and go dive.
She is not and it is creating some friction as you can imagine.

Even when we make plans in advance the other activities crowd in.
Last time I checked WE used to be in control of our own plans so maybe it is time to let the others know that!
Guess I better quit ranting and get packing huh!

Anyone else want to chime in, COME ON IN THE RANT IS GREAT!
I do feel better at least now I can go to work and not be in a crappy mood!
Thanks everyone for taking the fire from the drama.

CamG Keep diving....Keep training....Keep learning!

Howdy Cam!

I'm with ya, my wife's a planner as well. She sat down and tried to get me to pin down all the activities I had planned for Sep and Oct. No go baby, I don't have all events pegged.

I've found that just telling her I'm leaving on xx date and that I'd love for you to come with me is about as good as it gets. I go alone most times.
I think one of the things we're all shortest on nowadays is time. Especially if you have children, and they're involved in school and athletic activities, scheduling can really become complicated. The needs of all members of the family have to be honored. And when you say, "I'm the kind of guy that can just roll at the drop of a hat and go dive," how much are you depending on your wife to pick up the slack at home when you do that?

Even for me and Peter, with no kids at home but a bunch of animals, if we want to go diving together, we have to make sure we time things right, or have someone to do the chores for us. And with my work, and Peter teaching (and me assisting) and house and yard work, my fun diving has really dropped off this summer. Life just gets in the way sometimes.
What I can't understand is what the heck I did with all that free time before I had kids...?
CamG - I'm not ranting cause it's just me, myself and I, but hope it's okay that I post. :D

I have no spouse or kids but have to take into consideration my dive buddies' spouse, kids and family commitments because those do impact my dive schedule so am sympathetic to what everyone posted in this thread. I'm lucky to have several regular dive buddies so can dive whenever both my schedule and my wallet allows.

Work does interfere with diving on the rare occasion but I'm fine with that given the work thingy funds the diving thingy. :)

Safe dives, everyone!
Well everyone thank you for the support. I understand that life has its complications and scheduling can be one of these.
This summer has allowed for many personal dives and an almost erie sense of urgency.
I am not sure what or why other than when you have been involved in the training of divers as Lynne has suggested it is like being in a whirl wind sometimes.

To attempt to balance a normal family life and training schedule can really push you.
Do not misunderstand me, I love diving every week end if possible but when you are not training it is personal diving.
This is a whole other side to it that I had previously not experienced and have come to love so very much.
I do miss the excitement of watching the lights go on in the students eye's.
I have met some awesome people in my travels this season and it never ceases to amaze me of you run into people from Scuba Board or those from OWU or other type of event. One thing is certain I love diving and it is a ever growing part of who I am.

I was on a inland lake dive yesterday with a great friend and mentor who said of his wife, "she knew diving was a large part of who I was when she married me."
I asked of coarse how long have you been married? 20+ years.
I was relieved to hear that all was well and we had a great dive.
Great friends like Dave and others have been a part of my evolution as a diver.
Sometimes we need to come to an awareness that what we do becomes who we are in some instances. Diving is one of these I do believe.
I have bounced from one hobby to another over the last 10 - 12 years and none have become as engrained as diving. I have felt passionate about others but not to this level.

What a great gift was it that we can share an activity that has inspired us to greater achievement and personal growth both mentally and physically.
I guess I am just thankful today for all those who made Scuba possible for me and so many others. THANKS!

CamG For the love of the dive, I am forever lost! Safe diving all!

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