"signing" posts?

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To sign or not to sign. What has you putting your name on the bottom of posts or leaving it off?

Without undue bias and slanting the thread heavily... Here's what I've got so far:

I know some user groups I've been part of find it annoying at best or condescending at worst. A sort of pompous self importance. Others, it's encouraged to add a human aspect to the posts.... Or it's people who treat threads more like emails instead of instant messaging. Again a thing to be scorned.

As for myself I've stayed anonymous on user groups since around 1998. When I finally stopped lurking and joined SB I decided I wanted to increase my odds of being identified if incountering another SB'er somewhere in the dive community. I generally introduce myself in person by name. Another factor, more significant perhaps, I wanted the self enforced accountability of what I say being things I'm happy signing my name to.

What's your preference?

....wait for it....
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I avoid using my real name on any public forum, or giving too much identifying information. I prefer to improve my online privacy, not destroy it. Besides, there's too many crazy people out there. I've had at least one nutcase verbally abuse me in a series of PMs here for reasons that escaped me, and occasionally I get hit on. Why would I ever give my real name?

If I meet someone from ScubaBoard in person there's nothing to stop me from introducing myself with both name and handle should I want to.
I was born Flyboy :)

No one ever hits on me :(
People with ties to the industry should disclose those ties. Not doing so gives the appearance that your trying to pull a quick one with people. No ties? No issues. Disclose or not: it's up to you.
I sign PMs, emails, ... not posts... lots of reasons, e.g.: somebody might think I should have been working at that time...
Some day when that does not matter anymore I may reconsider.
I added my details in my signature line to ensure I am accountable for what I post. Nothing annoys me more than people using anonymity to be a-holes.

I get that others have valid reasons, especially female members, but it’s not my style.
...//... Another factor, more significant perhaps, I wanted the self enforced accountability of what I say being things I'm happy signing my name to. ...
There are no secrets on the net. Just be yourself, no need to enforce it. (IMHO)

I chose a name that provides me anonymity while defining my diving. I got lucky, nobody had picked it. It suits me and I like it.

I think those that post their real names exude confidence. Me, I prefer to stay anonymous. Not so confident in this diving community (yet). :p
I don't sign because my username is my name. Not out of some ego thing...I joined in 2007 and had no idea what a "username" WAS. I just thought you put in your name. I'm not computer saavy (and apparently not a great speller).

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