Sidemount video showing clipping bottles to 3 spots for rear?

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A few months ago I was shown a video believed to be from YouTube of a Diver demonstrating a different way of clipping him bottles to his sidemount harness to keep them from flying out to the sides when going sideways or upside down.
It involved clipping to the rear door handle as well as clipping to the belt D-ring.
If anyone can recall this video and share the link I'd be appreciative.

YEP, that is the video, thanks!
FWIW, that works very well.

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As an engineer I speculated that a 3 point attachment (one at neck & two at base) would be more stable.
However as a sm newb, not knowing the negatives side, I decided it was better to wait & lurk to see.
I am glad to see it came forward. I will check out the video tonight. Thanks

Mike D
Another benefit is having an extra double ender (or two) comes in handy for many things especially a broken bungee (mich also has a video for that).

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