Good Day, We purchased an entire SI-Tech store at a bankruptcy auction and are liquidating everything 40% lower then internet street prices. If you send us a link We will take 40% off the price shown in the link if it is a reputable online store. We have lots of items and parts. Please ask we may have it.
Here We have 3 left hand Medium gloves ( 3 lefts Never in Water.) They will be inexpensive spares. $15. Shipping is Priority Mail to the USA. We will ship international but have to look up the Cost. Please add $15 for USA priority mail shipping. We will refund any overcharge if more then a dollar from actual. These should be able to fit in a priority envelope? Cheers and Thank you
Attached Thumbnails
Here We have 3 left hand Medium gloves ( 3 lefts Never in Water.) They will be inexpensive spares. $15. Shipping is Priority Mail to the USA. We will ship international but have to look up the Cost. Please add $15 for USA priority mail shipping. We will refund any overcharge if more then a dollar from actual. These should be able to fit in a priority envelope? Cheers and Thank you
Attached Thumbnails