Should I buy this used gear?

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What kind of diving do you see yourself doing in the future??? Do you dive warm or cold water. I don't think there is a one dive gear fits all conditions option in diving. I would rather take the money and buy new, over time you will save the $480 and have everything you want.........
Ask when it was last serviced, and keep in mind they could lie, so its best to have any used gear you buy serviced yourself, afterall your life depends on it working well.

My first set of dive gear was used gear, that way I saved money, had my own gear and then coudl figure out what I really wanted for my gear whenI bought brand new stuff, then I ebayed my used gear agaain.
You are going to need to do your own homework and leg work.

Do the suit(s) fit you? Fit is the most important feature of any scuba item.

What is the brand of the reg? How old is it? When was it last "serviced"? How much does it cost new? Does it work?

Same questions, for the computer.

Same questions, for the B/Cs.

Although $480 looks like a great price for so much gear, it depends on how old the gear is, and how much has it been used? And does it fit you?

If it does all fit, and if it does all work, and if it is all less than a year or two old, it looks like a bargain.

If it is all 5 to 10 years old, however, you may be better off buying new instead of used.

Welcome to ScubaBoard! The crucible of cold hard facts.
One of my students just purchased used gear from Ebay (against my recommendations).

The "used once" BC works, but is filthy, and doesn't have a backplate. It's also a nice pink woman's BC (insert chuckle here).

The first stage (diaphragm) spring is rusted and the filter is corroded. The second stage works and seems to be the best piece he purchased.

The octopus is off-size and needs an adapter to fit the first stage.

The "working gauges" has a small hole in the hose, cleverly hidden beneath the hose protector.

He's going to blow some serious money for an annual, new hose for the gauges, and still has used gear. For just a little more money, he could've gotten a basic reg setup from leisurepro.
I'm in quebec so it's gonna be pretty cold, I already bought a 7mm 2 piece suit. I'll dive in lakes and I don't think I don't think I'll dive deeper than 60ft at the beginning.

Oh I forgot something 480$ is in CAD so it's about 373$ USD
I'd pass on the "deal". A Matrix is worth maybe $100 tops if it works and if it is still accurate and both are in doubt. It is impossible to get Matrix serviced so if it does not work it is a paper weight.

I can't see what the regs are let alone what they may be worth or if they can be serviced.

Used suits are worth very little and if they don't happen to fit you, they are worthless.

I'd maybe risk $100 on the whole deal, but probably not.
C'mon, that blue octo must be at least a $1000 USD???
Hard to tell much of anything from the pic other than I wouldn't spend much more than $100 US. The wetsuits may be so old that they are dried out or falling apart.

That is a cool color of blue though!!

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