Shore Diving this Weekend 7/17/18

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The time sounds great. I've never done the erojacks so you guys decide and let me know where to park and meet.
I just called the park. The beach access is closed right there where we normally enter, so it would probably be better if we parked on the North end of the Dania Pier parking lot. I totally forgot about that, thanks Jenny!
Forgive my ignorance, but how do you get to this site? I'm coming from the north so I figured that I take the Griffin exit (from I-95) head east, go south on A1A, then east on to Dania Beach Blvd. Does this sound right so far? Then what? I'm just going from memory of a map I looked at one time. I have no visuals to reference.

Nathan you are correct. When you go over the intracoastal, about half way round the turn, bear right into the parking lot and go as far north as you can.
I might of talked Hermit Crab into trying the snorkel thing out tomorrow (with a life perserver). So, here's hopin that it's a go!
WOW! Awesome snorkel trip. Hermit Crab was a bit leary of snorkeling. I have been working on her for a while. I know she could do it, but her confidence wasn't there quite yet. So I suggested she use the life preserver (for security more than anything else). A friend of mine joined the SB gang as we assembled at the pier parking lot, then snorkeled out, keeping close to shore while HC got used to the equipment and her confidence. Then we angled over towards the jacks, but the current was a bit more than I thought and we went too far north, so a turn to the south for 100 feet or so and we were there. HC was immediately impressed with the sea life, saw many porkfish, which is what she wanted to see. Also we saw quite a few scrawled file fish, a pair of 4 eye butterfly fish, doctor fish and welll, I will let her tell you more.
Hermit Crabs Report:
Today we saw a Spotted Eagle Ray, a sting ray, some porkfish, two Queen Angel fish, and some French Angel Fish, 4 starfish, Doctorfish, Ocean Surgeons, Porcupine fish, blue tangs, Yellowtail damsel, bar jacks, butterfly fish, scrawled filesfish, rainbow parrotfish, blue parrot, and spadefish.

I was scared at first that there would be a lot of sharks, but it turned out there wasn't any sharks. And when we started seeing the fish, I relaxed.

Now for my joke: What do you call a fish that's a queen?

Answer: A Queen Angelfish!

What do you call a fish that's funny?
Answer: A clownfish!

Yes, we actually saw a spotted eagle ray on the way back in! It was just HC and me coming back in when the eagle ray passed us. I was so excited I started screaming and pointing for HC to see! The ray passed us nonchalantely maybe 10-15 feet away from us. We were so amazed and grateful to see such a wonderous sight. I have never seen an eagle ray while diving here in Broward County, so it was a really special occassion!
Not much to add to Hermit Crab's and Jenny's reports. IT was a beautiful day! Great snorkeling and Wonderful Water-buddies! I enjoyed being free of the dive gear for a change. Although I did get a little sun burned :( Thanks for sharing such a great day and it was nice to meet Christie!
Yeah it was a great day for snorkeling. That was my first time at the jacks. The see life was good. I loved seeing the school of Atlantic spade fish and the school of huge rainbow parrotfish (the neighborhood bullies, it seems). Speaking of bullies, there was a racing boat and the boat with the crew sitting directly over the jacks telling us to get away from their expensive race boat. Of course, we all rebelled by swimming about as close to the race boat as we possibly could!

It was nice meeting DennisS, Trish the Fish, Hermit Crab, Rebecca's friend, and Jenny's friend.

Wow! What a great first snorkeling trip for Hermit Crab!!! A Spotted Eagle Ray on the first trip - what a wonderful treat! Sounds like a wonderful day in the water.

RE: the racing boat - that's when you need a powerhead to teach them about sharing the water!
I have written about the boat here. Perhaps a few that were there care to join in the conversation.
Good post, Jenny. I would have come unglued if they had been hostile, but everything worked out so I kept my cool. I worried that the incident would affect Hermit Crab, but I think it rolled of her back just like it did the rest of us. I can't believe that that was her first time! My dad was in town a couple of weeks ago and I tried to take him snorkling. He just could not get over the mask and the snorkle. I guess he was getting claustrophobic. Good for the Crab! I can't wait for my daughter to get to go one day. Let us know how the photos turn out!

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