A man had been shipwrecked on an island for a few years when he suddenly spots another island. So he swims over and to his surprise (and luck) Cindy Crawford is there, also shipwrecked.
After a while the birds and the bees start talking and they have sex. After, the man asks Cindy if she has any mans clothes left over from the shipwreck, she replies "yes". So he asks her for a favour, could she wear the mans clothes and swim over to his island in the morning and call herself Bob! Alittle strange she thinks but agrees to do it.
So in the the morning she swims over, walks up the beach and says "Hello, it's Bob here", the man runs down excitedly to her and says "Ah Bob glad you're here, guess who I slept with last night!"
After a while the birds and the bees start talking and they have sex. After, the man asks Cindy if she has any mans clothes left over from the shipwreck, she replies "yes". So he asks her for a favour, could she wear the mans clothes and swim over to his island in the morning and call herself Bob! Alittle strange she thinks but agrees to do it.
So in the the morning she swims over, walks up the beach and says "Hello, it's Bob here", the man runs down excitedly to her and says "Ah Bob glad you're here, guess who I slept with last night!"