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Scuba Instructor
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Aussie Aussie Aussie... Oi Oi Oi!
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500 - 999
Anybody been diving at any of these places? I was looking at Lonely Planet, and it looks like there's dive sites. Problem is I've searched and I can't really find any shops in the areas. I take that back--there's a place out of Kagoshima, but Shikoku is like Diving Inaka. Advice please.
I know that you can dive near Oita but I've never done it. On the other side - Amakusa (south of Kumamoto) and Sasebo (Nagasaki Prefecture) has some very good diving.
Here is one site I found that is on your side:
Thanks for the welcome! What was the secret handshake again?

Yeah, I found Travelman before, down in Kagoshima. Looks kinda fun, and I might give an e-mail when I get back from Okinawa. As far as Oita diving, there's one PADI shop in Oita City. Dunno where they go, and might have to call in and do some investigating. But... yeah... looking out at Beppu Wan, I dunno that I want to be getting in the water there--not only would I have salt water to contend with, but also pollution. On the upside, there might be some strange-lookin breeds down there...

Here's an interesting question. Yeah, I speak Japanese, clawing my way to broken proficiency much like the redneck way of being taught to swim (throw her in the deep end, let's see if she sinks or not for the hell of it). But do you find problems, as a gaijin, tagging along on dive expeditions. You know how it is--most people don't mind a foreigner--maybe a little apprehensive, but they're okay once you establish that 1. you speak Japanese and 2. you speak Japanese-- but then there are others who just get all kinds of nervous when we're around, and even if we address them in Japanese they freak out. What's your experience? I want to dive in my last 2 months here, so I'm wondering how I'll be accepted. 'Cause I want to have fun diving with everyone, not spend time worrying about if I'm causing stress to others based upon the way that people keep glancing my way nervously.
Yeah, my "job" (if you can call it that, I'm bored to death) is done the end of July. I've been In Country 3 years. Next is to finish my graduate degree in Library Science.

Guys, I found it! Go to the bookshop, and pick up the June edition of Marine Diving. Costs close to sen en, and is in Japanese of course, but has heaps of information about shops in different areas of Japan. Also has Shikoku. Cha-CHING!

So there are limited shops on Shikoku, and of course you'll have to speak Japanese and answer the usuals about if you can use chopsticks, etc. But it's doable! :0)

I'll post URLs for shops when I get back to my magazine in case anyone's interested.
One thing about Marine Diving magazine. In the good old days, they had all the dive operators listed, now they only list advertisers. Caveat emptor.
So da ne, Mar Scuba sama. But you can still get a decent idea of what's out there if your internet searches didn't yield their shop.

I've looked at your shop online before. If I can manage to get up to Tokyo area before I leave, I'd like to dive Izu Peninsula. Heard it's great.

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